Experimental Report
Experiment title
Non-destructive determination of 235U/238U
isotope ratio by PGAA
Proposal No.
Local contact
Zsolt Révay
Principal proposer:
G. L. Molnár, Institute of Isotope and Surface Chemistry, CRC Budapest
Experimental team:
Zs. Révay, T. Belgya, G. L. Molnár
Institute of Isotope and Surface Chemistry CRC Budapest, H-1525
Date(s) of Exp.

Date of Report

To develop a non-destructive method to determine the isotopic enrichment of uranium.

A non-destructive method has been developed to determine the 235U/238U ratio in materials containing uranium as a major element. Three uranium-oxide (U3O8) samples have been irradiated: one of them had natural isotopic composition, and two were enriched to 19.1% and 36% 235U content, respectively. Intensities of prompt-gamma lines from 235U(n,γ ) reaction and from some fission products have been compared to the intensity of a high energy line from the 238U (n,γ ) reaction, and a linear correlation has been found. Hence, PGAA is suitable for rapid and non-destructive determination of the enrichment of uranium samples.

Zsolt Révay, Gábor Molnár, Tamás Belgya, Öszi Radiokémiai Napok, Paks, 1998, talk

Future prospects
A detailed examination of 235U prompt gamma-ray spectrum and γ - γ coincidences are planned.