Application of nuclear analytical techniques to investigate the authencity of art objects
International Atomic Energy Agency Co-ordinated Research Project (2004-2008)Overall objectives:
The proposed CRP is aimed to explore new fields of application for
nuclear analytical techniques in art and archaeology. It will help to
foster collaboration between museum conservators and analytical
researchers. The dissemination of information on applications of
advanced analytical techniques to art objects will stimulate the use of
these techniques in developing Member States and help in conservation
and recovery of national heritage.
Specific research
objectives: The specific objectives may vary from country
to country subject to the research priorities defined by the national
teams. However, according to the overall objectives of this CRP they
will add to the preservation and recognition of national heritage and
may comprise some of the following:
- Identification of authenticity of certain groups of artefacts being of particular national importance through chemical analysis.
- Clarify authorship of valuable paintings, identify provenance and age of museum specimen.
- Providing baseline data for law enforcement to identify fraud.
- Contribute information for the identification of seized illegally traded materials.
- Assist conservators in restoration and preservation of cultural heritage.
- Identify suitable methods and recommend procedures for chemical identification of art object.
The Hungarian part of the
project deals mainly with regional factors comparing local sediments
with the material of early ceramics all over Hungary. The main focus of
analysis will be on material of recent excavations with adequate
documentation and abundant comparative samples. After establishing an
analysis routine, systematic elaboration of representative material
from the collections of the Hungarian National Museum is planned.