Ph. D. thesis
Zsolt Kasztovszky
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. György Marx
Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Atomic Physics, Budapest, 1997
It is well known that half of the radiation burden is due to the presence of radon (222Rn) in the human environment. Different estimations for the doses originating from inhalation of air and ingestion of water with high radon concentration have been published (ICRP-65). The Environmental Protection Agency of US has introduced an Alternative Maximum Contaminant Level of 150 Bq l-1 for radon in drinking water [V.].
In 1992 a high level radon exhalation was observed in the region of Mátraderecske, Hungary, occassionally accompanied with CO2 exhalation. The intensity of radon flow seemed to be randomly varying in time and space. In 1994 the influenting factors were not known. I have carried out regular observation of the well-waters’ radioactivity and other geological and meteorological factors, to determine the main causes of variation of radon concentration. In addition - based on international recommandations - I calculated the health risks due to the consumption of these high radon concentration waters.
To measure the water samples’ activity I found the liquid scintillation method to be the most reliable. The method was calibrated a standard RaCl2 solution set. The radon concentrations of waters in Mátraderecske has been found to be in the range of 30- 350 Bq l-1. This is the same order of the activity of waters in Rudas spa, known to show the highest activity concentration in Hungary [II]. According to the simplest model, the radon content of waters are determined by the relative position of the 238U-rich soil layer and the level of ground-water [IV.]. In some cases this model had to be modified. The radon concentration of waters may vary by an order of magnitude during a year. I found significant correlation between radon concentration and rainfall. The radon levels are strongly influenced also by other meteorological factors [V].
The additional effective dose rate is about 1 mSv year-1, due to the daily consumption of water with 150 Bq l-1 222Rn concentration. It means, that the consumption of well-waters with highest radon level in Hungary induces 1- 3 mSv year-1 additional effective dose rate [II].
[I.] L. Sajó-Bohus, G. Marx, Á. Hováth, Zs. Kasztovszky, E. Tóth: On environmental radon concentration mapping, Proceedings of the Workshop on Harmonization of East-West Radioactive Pollutant Measurements, Budapest, 1994. aug. 28- szept. 2. (p. 115-126)
[II.] Zs. Kasztovszky, P. Szerbin, R. Kuczi: On the natural radioactivity of waters in Hungary, Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 1996; 2 (4) 335-347
[III.] E. Tóth, F. Deák, Cs. Gyurkócza, Zs. Kasztovszky, R. Kuczi, G. Marx, B. Nagy, S. Oberstedt, L. Sajó-Bohus, Cs. Sükösd, G. Tóth, N. Vajda: Peculiar radon spot in Hungary, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Letters, 213 (5) 1996 317-330
[IV.] E. Tóth, F. Deák, Cs. Gyurkócza, Zs. Kasztovszky, R. Kuczi, G. Marx, B. Nagy, S. Oberstedt, L. Sajó-Bohus, Cs. Sükösd, G. Tóth, N. Vajda: Radon variations in a Hungarian village, Environmental Geology, 28 (2) 1996 123-127
[V.] Zs. Kasztovszky, L. Sajó-Bohus, B. Fazekas: Parametric changes of radon (222Rn) concentration in ground water in Northeastern Hungary, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 49 (2000) 171-180
[VI.] Kasztovszky Zs.: Vizek radioaktivitásának mérése, ELTE Atomfizikai Tanszék, Tanszéki Tea, Budapest, 1994. május (in Hungarian)
[VII.] Zs. Kasztovszky, G. Marx, E. Tóth: Radon measurements in well-waters in Hungary, RIO FOLLOWUP International Conference on Science Education, Eger, 1994. aug.
[VIII.] L. Sajó-Bohus, G. Marx, Á. Hováth, Zs. Kasztovszky, E. Tóth: Radon measurements in well-waters in Hungary, Workshop on Harmonization of East-West Radioactive Pollutant Measurements, Budapest, 1994. aug. 28-szept. 2.
[IX.] Kasztovszky Zs., Marx Gy., Tóth E.: Mátraderecskei kutak vizének radioaktivitása, XX. Sugárvédelmi Továbbképz? Tanfolyam, Balatonkenese, 1995. máj. 17-19. (in Hungarian)
[X.] L. Sajó-Bohus, G. Marx, Á. Hováth, Zs. Kasztovszky, E. Tóth: In-Situ Potential Risk Dependence of Environmental Radon Concentration Mapping (poszter), III. Congresso Peruano de Protección Radiológica (Regional IRPA), Cusco, 1995. okt. 23-27.
[XI.] Kasztovszky Zs., Szerbin P., Kuczi R.: Magyarországi
vizek természetes radioaktivitása, Õszi
Radiokémiai Napok, Balatonkenese, 1996. okt. 16-18. (in