Ph.D. dissertations
- Róbert Chobola
- Title: 90Sr szelektiv meghatározásának tanulmányozása atomerőművi és környezeti mintákból
- Supervisor:
- Year:2007
- University: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Chemistry Ph.D. program
Present Ph.D. students
- Dávid Mesterházy
- Topic: Method development int he field of retrospective dosimetry
- Supervisor: András Kovács
- University: University of Pannonia
- Péter Nagy
- Topic: Treatment of radioactive waste
- Supervisor: László Lakosi
- University: Budapest University for Technology and Economics
- Róbert Katona
- Topic: Method development for origin assesment of uranium bearing materials and food samples
- Supervisor: Péter Fodor (Corvinus University of Budapest), Zsolt Stefánka (HAEA)
- University: Corvinus University of Budapest
- Zsuzsanna Mácsik
- Topic: Method development for analysis of swipe samples and analysis of single particles by LA-ICP-MS
- Supervisor: Nóra Vajda (RadAnal Ltd., ELTE TTK)
- University: ELTE
Oktatási tevékenység
András Kovács:
Lectures given at the Pannon University at the Institute of Radiochemistry and
Radioecology in the field of radiation technology and process control.
Lectures given and practical exercises held at the University of Pavia (Italy) at the
Master Course in Radiochemistry, Radiation Chemistry and Technology and Radiation
Processing Dosimetry and Process Control
Lectures given at the Regional Training Courses of the International Atomic Energy
Agency in the Member States in the field of Radiation Technology, Food Irradiation,
Radiation Safety of Irradiation Facilities and Radiation Processing Dosimetry and
Process Control
- Training of IAEA fellows; András Kovács, Éva Széles