Research activities of the Department of Radiation Safety
Nuclear section
The research within the group focuses mainly on non-destructive analysis of nuclear materials with applications in nuclear safeguards, combating illicit trafficking of nuclear materials and nuclear forensics. In addition, fundamental research in the field of gamma induced nuclear isomer excitation is also being carried out.
Recent results and current research
- Quantitative assay of Plutonium-Beryllium sources.
- Spent fuel attribute tester.
- Characterization of uranium samples of unknown origin.
- Digital signal processing equipment for neutron coincidence counting
Dosimetry section
- Chemical dosimetry
- Solid state dosimetry
- Environmental and personal dosimetry
- Accidental and reactor dosimetry
- Radiation processing dosimetry
- Dosimetry control at industrial high activity gamma and at high energy electron irradiation facilities
ICP-MS Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
- Analysis of nuclear material of unknown origin (illicit trafficking). Determination of isotopics of uranium and other actinides, analysis of trace elements
- Assessment of nuclear material collected on filters and swipes, or contained in other safeguards related samples
- Analysis of long-lived radionuclides in environmental samples
- Study of the laser ablation technique in the above and other fields
- Direct analysis of solid samples by Laser Ablation ICP-MS technique
- Analysis of rare earth elements (as elemental fingerprint) and other minerals in food samples