Szerző: Szilágyi, V.; Gál-Mlakár, V.; Rácz, T.Á.; Sajó, I.; Simonyi, E.
Cím: 12-14. századi fehér kerámiákon végzett anyagvizsgálatok első eredményei és a továbblépés lehetoségei.
Folyóirat: Gesta
Kötet: IX.
Oldalszám: 153-167

Szerző:Szilágyi, V.
Cím: Kerámia anyagvizsgálat
In: Régészeti Kézikönyv
Editor: Müller, R.
Oldalszám: 493-504

Szerző: A. Wallner, K. Buczak, T. Belgya, M. Bichler, L. Coquard, I. Dillmann, O. Forstner, R. Golser, F. Käppeler, W. Kutschera, C. Lederer, A. Mengoni, A. Priller, R. Reifarth, P. Steier and L. Szentmiklosi
Cím: Precise Measurement of the Neutron Capture Reaction 54Fe(n,γ)55Fe via AMS
Folyóirat: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Kötet: 202
Oldalszám: 012020

Szerző: Kis, Z.; Belgya, T; Szentmiklósi, L.
Cím: Monte Carlo simulations towards semi-quantitative prompt gamma activation imaging
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
Kötet: 638 143-146 (2011)

Szerző: Wallner, A.; Belgya, T.; Bichler, M.; Buczak, K.; Dillmann, I.; Kaeppeler, F.; Mengoni, A.; Quinto, F.; Steier, P.; Szentmiklosi, L.
Másodlagos Cím: Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Science and Techn., April 26-30, 2010
Publikálás helye: Jeju, Korea
Oldalszám: in Print

Szerző: Borella, A.; Belgya, T.; Kopecky, S.; Gunsing, F.; Moxon, M. C.; Rejmund, M.; Schillebeeckx, P.; Szentmiklósi, L.
Cím: Determination of the 209Bi(n,γ )210Bi and 209Bi(n,γ )210m,gBi reaction cross sections in a cold neutron beam
Folyóirat: Nuclear Physics A
Kötet: 850 1-21 (2011)


Szerző: Wallner, A.; Buczak, K.; Belgya, T.; Bichler, M.; Coquard, L.; Dillmann, I.; Forstner, O.; Golser, R.; Käppeler, F.; Kutschera, W.; Lederer, C.; Mengoni, A.; Priller, A.; Reifarth, R.; Steier, P.; Szentmiklosi, L.
Cím: Precise Measurement of the Neutron Capture Reaction 54Fe(n,γ)55Fe via AMS
Másodlagos Cím: Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics IV
Publikálás helye: Lab. Nazionali di Frascati with Lab. Nazionali del Gran Sasso, June 8th to 12th 2009
Kiadó: Journal of Physics Conference Series 202
Oldalszám: 012020

Szerző: Teschner, D.; Borsodi, J.; Kis, Z.; Szentmiklosi, L.; Revay, Z.; Knop-Gericke, A.; Schlogl, R.; Torres, D.; Sautet, P.
Cím: Role of Hydrogen Species in Palladium-Catalyzed Alkyne Hydrogenation
Folyóirat: Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Kötet: 114 (5) 2293-2299 (2010)
Abstract: Selective alkyne hydrogenation in the presence of carbon-carbon double bond compounds, for which Pd is an excellent catalyst, is a strategically important large-scale industrial process. Although in palladium, functionality and structure are closely interrelated, knowledge of the structure of Pd is insufficient as the interaction with the chemical environment causes drastic compositional changes near the subsurface region: while unselective hydrogenation proceeds in the presence of a beta-hydride phase, selective hydrogenation can be achieved only in the presence of a near-surface Pd-C phase. Here, we show from a combination of in situ prompt gamma activation analysis and ab initio simulations based on density functional theory that (i) the presence of the Pd-C phase created under selective conditions implies a strong change in the surface and subsurface stability of hydrogen, (ii) there is still a slower exchange of bulk and surface hydrogen, and (iii) the reaction rate for selective hydrogenation is independent of the bulk H/Pd ratio.

Szerző: Szentmiklósi, L.; Révay, Z.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Measurement of partial gamma-ray production cross-sections and k(0)-factors for radionuclides with chopped-beam PGAA-Part II
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kötet: 622 (2) 468-472 (2010)
Abstract: As a continuation of our previously reported experiments, the partial gamma-ray production cross-sections (sigma(gamma)) and k(0)-factors of 12 short- and medium-lived radionuclides were determined using a chopped beam of cold neutrons. This technique avoids several problems associated with epithermal activation, sample transportation and dead-time effects in neutron activation analysis (NAA) measurements. Our k(0)-values were determined with internal standardization, using stoichiometric compounds or water solutions of known compositions.

Szerző: Szentmiklósi, L.; Belgya, T.; Révay, Zs.; Kis, Z.
Cím: Upgrade of the Prompt-Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) and the Neutron Induced Prompt-gamma Spectroscopy (NIPS) facilities at the Budapest Research Reactor
Folyóirat: J. Nucl. Radioanal. Chem.
Kötet: 286 501-505 (2010)

Szerző: Seghedi, I.; Szakács, A.; Rosu, E.; Pécskay, Z.; Gméling, K.
Cím: Note on the evolution of a Miocene composite volcano in an extensional setting, Zarand Basin (Apuseni Mts., Romania)
Folyóirat: Central European Journal of Geosciences
Kötet: 2 (3) 321-328 (2010)

Szerző: Rogante, M.; Kasztovszky, Z.; Manni, A.
Cím: Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis of bronze fragments from archaeological artefacts
Folyóirat: Notizario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone
Kötet: 15 (1) 12-23 (2010)

Szerző: Revay, Z.; Szentmiklosi, L.; Kis, Z.
Cím: Determination of new k(0) values for prompt gamma activation analysis at Budapest
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kötet: 622 (2) 464-467 (2010)
Abstract: A series of measurements were carried out at the PGAA facilities of the Budapest Research Reactor and at the FRM-II, Garching, Germany, to re-determine the k(0) values and the partial gamma-ray production cross-sections of prompt gamma lines for 19 elements. Different stoichiometric compounds and water solutions were irradiated in cold neutron beams. The new values are compared with the old ones measured at the Budapest facility and others in the literature. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Szerző: Pécskay, Z.; Gméling, K.
Cím: Role of the intrusive processes within the evolution of the Neogene-Quaternary calc-alkaline volcanism of the Carpathians. New Advances in Maar-Diatreme Research in Hungary, Germany and New Zealand
Másodlagos Cím: Results and Perspectives International Maar Workshop13-15 August 2010
Publikálás helye: Tapolca, Hungary

Szerző: Oberstedt, S.; Belgya, T.; Billnert, R.; Borcea, R.; Cano-Ott, D.; Göök, A.; Hambsch, F. J.; Karlsson, J.; Kis, Z.; Martnez, T.; Oberstedt, A.; Szentmiklósi, L.; Takács, K.
Cím: Correlation measurements of fission-fragment properties
Másodlagos Cím: EFNUDAT User and Collaboration workshop: Measurements and Models of Nuclear Reactions, 25-27 May 2010
Publikálás helye: Paris, France
Oldalszám: EPJ Web of Conferences 8, 03005

Szerző: Massarczyk, R.; Birgersson, E.; Schramm, G.; Schwengner, R.; Belgya, T.; Beyer, R.; Grosse, E.; Hannaske, R.; Junghans, A.R.; Matic, A.; Szentmiklósi, L.; Weil, J.; Wagner, A.
Cím: Photon strength function deduced from photon scattering and neutron capture
Másodlagos Cím: EFNUDAT User and Collaboration workshop: Measurements and Models of Nuclear Reactions, 25-27 May 2010
Publikálás helye: Paris, France
Oldalszám: EPJ Web of Conferences 8, 07008

Szerző: Kornilov, N.; Hambsch, F. J.; Fabry, I.; Oberstedt, S.; Belgya, T.; Kis, Z.; Szentmiklosi, L.; Simakov, S.
Cím: The U-235(n, f) Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum at 100 K Input Neutron Energy
Folyóirat: Nuclear Science and Engineering
Kötet: 165 (1) 117-127 (2010)
Abstract: A measurement of the U-235 prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS) was performed at the Budapest Nuclear Research Reactor at 100 K incident neutron energy. The motivation for this investigation was to verify some literature data measured over the past 20 years that contradict the Los Alamos model, as well as integral data, benchmark (K-eff) experiments, and recent spectral data taken at 0.5 MeV incident neutron energy. The measured spectra using three neutron detectors are in excellent agreement with each other. The average spectrum confirms literature data within the error bars in the neutron energy range of 0.7 to 10 MeV. However, the present PFNS shape cannot predict integral experimental data. It seems to be clear now that the disagreement between microscopic and macroscopic data is not connected with a systematic experimental error in the PENS at low incident neutron energy.

Szerző: Kis, Z.; Belgya, T.; Szentmiklósi, L.; Gunsing, F.
Cím: Determination of the total neutron capture cross section for 58Ni(n,?)59Ni reaction
Másodlagos Szerző: Belgya, T.
Másodlagos Cím: EFNUDAT Slow and Resonance Neutrons, a Scientific Workshop on Nuclear Data Measurements, Theory and Applications, 23-25 September 2009
Publikálás helye: Budapest, Hungary
Kiadó: II-HAS
Kötet: 1
Oldalszám: 121-126

Szerző: Kasztovszky Zs., Szilágyi V., Sajó I.
Cím: Neolitikus rézgyöngyök vizsgálata Polgár-Csoszhalom lelohelyrol – elozetes eredmények
Másodlagos Cím: Archeometria Muhely, elektronic journal
Kötet: VII.
Number: 2.
Oldalszám: 137-140
ISBN/ISSN: 1786-271X

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Kasztovszky, Zs.; Szilágyi, V.
Cím: Provenance Studies of Archaelogical Artifacts using PGNAA
Másodlagos Szerző: Acharya, R., Reddy, A.V.R., Chatt, A., Venugopal, V.
Másodlagos Cím: 4th International Symposium on Nuclear Analytical Chemistry (NAC-IV)
Publikálás helye: Bhabha Aomic Research Center, Mumbai, India
Kiadó: BARC, Dept. of Atomic Energy, Trombay, Mumbai, 400085, India
Oldalszám: 88-92

Szerző: Belgya, T.
Cím: EFNUDAT – Slow and Resonance Neutrons
Editor: Belgya, T.
Conference Name: The 2nd EFNUDAT workshop on Neutron Measurements, Theory and Applications, 23-25 September 2009
Conference Location: Budapest, Hungary
Kiadó: Institute of Isotope, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Oldalszám: 1-174

Szerző: Belgya, T.
Cím: Determination of thermal radiative capture cross section
Másodlagos Szerző: Belgya, T.
Másodlagos Cím: EFNUDAT Slow and Resonance Neutrons, a Scientific Workshop on Nuclear Data Measurements, Theory and Applications, 23-25 September 2009
Publikálás helye: Budapest, Hungary
Kiadó: II-HAS
Kötet: 1
Oldalszám: 115-120

Szerző: Belgya, T
Cím: Target preparation for in-beam thermal neutron capture experiments
Másodlagos Szerző: Hambsch, F.-J.
Másodlagos Cím: EFNUDAT Fast Neutrons, Scientific Workshop on Neutron Measurements, Theory and Applications Nuclear Data for Sustainable Nuclear Energy
Publikálás helye: Geel, Belgium, 28 – 30 April, 2009
Kiadó: European Commission
Oldalszám: 21-26

Szerző: Schulze, R; Szentmiklósi, L; Kis, Z.
Cím: The Ancient Charm project: new neutron based imaging methods for cultural heritage studies
Folyóirat: Archeologia e Calcolatori
Kötet: 21 281-299 (2010)


Szerző: H. Taubald, K. T. Biró, Z. Kasztovszky és M. Balla
Cím: Neolithic pottery and its environment in Hungary
Konferencia: 36th International Symposium on Archaeometry
Kiadó: Cahiers d’archéologie du CELAT
Oldalszám: 237-241.

Szerző: L. Szirtes, Revay, Zs., Megyeri, J., Kuzmann, E.
Cím: Investigations of tin (II/IV) phosphates prepared by various methods, Mossbauer study and X-ray diffraction characterization
Folyóirat: Radiaton Physics and Chemistry
Kötet: 78
Oldalszám: 239-243

Szerző: L. Szentmiklósi, Z. Kis, T. Belgya, Z. Kasztovszky, P. Kudejova, T. Materna, R. Schulze és az Ancient Charm együttműködés
Cím: The new PGAI-NT setup and the first elemental imaging experiments at the Budapest Research Reactor
Konferencia: 7th International Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry
Konferencia helyszíne: Budapest, Hungary, 24-29 August 2008
Oldalszám: CD-ROM

Szerző: L. Szentmiklósi, Berlizov, A.N.
Cím: Characterization of the Budapest Prompt Gamma Spectrometer by Monte Carlo Simulations
Folyóirat: Nucl. Instr. Meth. A
Kötet: 612
Oldalszám: 122-126

Szerző: Z. Révay, T. Belgya, L. Szentmiklósi and Z. Kis
Cím: Összetett minták belső részleteinek elemzése prompt-gamma aktivációs analízissel
Folyóirat: Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat
Kötet: 115
Oldalszám: 79-83

Szerző: Z. Révay
Cím: Standardnélküli mennyiségi elemzés a prompt-gamma aktivációs analitikában
Kémiai Tud. Osztálya, Budapest

Szerző: Z. Révay
Cím: In-Beam Prompt Gamma-Activation Analysis
Folyóirat: Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry
DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a9131

Szerző: Z. Révay
Cím: Determining Elemental Composition Using Prompt-gamma Activation Analysis
Folyóirat: Analytical Chemistry
Kötet: 81
Oldalszám: 6851-6859

Szerző: B. Péterdi, T. Horváth, G. Szakmány and Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: Petrographic investigation of Late Copper Age stone tools from Balatonőszöd (Temetői dűlő), Western Hungary
Konferencia: 36th International Symposium on Archaeometry
Kiadó: Cahiers d’archéologie du CELAT
Oldalszám: 161-171

Szerző: V. Pamukchieva, Szekeres, A., Todorova, K., Fabian, M., Svab, E., and Z. Revay, Szentmiklosi, L.
Cím: Evaluation of basic physical parameters of quaternary Ge.Sb-(S,Te) chalcogenide glasses
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Non-Crystalline Solids
Kötet: 355
Kiadás: 50-51
Oldalszám: 2485-2490

Szerző: I. Nagy, T. Weiszburg, G. Szakmány, G. Varga and Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: Mineralogical, Petrographic And Geochemical Study Of Neolithic Polished Axes From Micula (Nw Transylvania, Romania)
Kiadvány címe: Archeometria Műhely
Kötet: 2
Oldalszám: 37-45

Szerző: H. R. Marschall, R. Altherr, K. Gmeling and Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: Lithium, boron and chlorine as tracers for metasomatism in high-pressure metamorphic rocks: a case study from Syros (Greece)
Folyóirat: Mineralogy and Petrology
Kötet: 95
Kiadás: 3-4
Oldalszám: 291-302
Azonosító szám: ISI:000264852000009
Absztrakt: High-pressure metamorphic (HPM) rocks (derived from igneous protoliths) and their metasomatised rinds from the island of Syros (Greece) were analysed for their B and Cl whole-rock abundances and their H2O content by prompt-gamma neutron-activation analysis (PGNAA) and for their Li and Be whole-rock abundances by ICP-OES. In the HPM rocks, B/Be and Cl/Be ratios correlate with H2O contents and appear to be controlled by extraction of B and Cl during dehydration and prograde metamorphism. In contrast, samples of the metasomatised rinds show no such correlation. B/Be ratios in the rinds are solely governed by the presence or absence of tourmaline, and Cl/Be ratios vary significantly, possibly related to fluid inclusions. Li/Be ratios do not correlate with H2O contents in the HPM rocks, which may in part be explained by a conservative behaviour of Li during dehydration. However, Li abundances exceed the vast majority of published values for Li abundances in fresh, altered, or differentiated oceanic igneous rocks and presumably result from metasomatic enrichment of Li. High Li concentrations and highly elevated Li/Be ratios in most metasomatised samples demonstrate an enrichment of Li in the Syros HP melange during fluid infiltration. This study suggests that B and Cl abundances of HPM meta-igneous rocks can be used to trace prograde dehydration, while Li concentrations seem to be more sensitive for retrograde metasomatic processes in such lithologies.

Szerző: K. Kovnir, Armbrüster, M., Teschner, D., Venkov, T., Szentmiklósi, L., and F. C. Jentoft, Knop-Gericke, A., Grin, Yu., Schlögl, R.
Cím: In situ Surface Characterization of the Intermetallic Compound PdGa – A Highly Selective Hydrogenation Catalyst
Folyóirat: Surface Science
Kötet: 603
Oldalszám: 1784–1792

Szerző: T. I. Koranyi, A. E. Coumans, E. J. M. Hensen, R. Ryoo, H. S. Kim, E. Pfeifer and Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: The influence of metal loading and activation on mesoporous materials supported nickel phosphide hydrotreating catalysts
Folyóirat: Applied Catalysis A-General
Kötet: 365
Kiadás: 1
Oldalszám: 48-54
Dátum: Aug 15
Azonosító szám: ISI:000268981300006
Absztrakt: Ordered mesoporous materials (SBA-15 and KIT-6 silica and MFI zeolite) supported nickel phosphide (NixPy) hydrotreating catalysts were prepared by reduction of oxidic precursors with an initial stoichiometric Ni/P ratio of 2 The metal loading (20 and 30 wt.% NixPy) and pretreatment conditions (773 K or 873 K reduction temperature, in situ sulfidation at 723 K) of the precursors were varied. Temperature programmed reduction, in situ XRD, and P-31 NMR indicate the formation of metallic nickel then different nickel phosphides (Ni3P, Ni12P5, then Ni2P) in this order upon reduction. The changes in the textural properties of the catalysts compared to their parent supports promote the conclusion that a significant part of the NixPy phases is located inside the mesopores. The catalytic activity (parallel dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization and o-methyl aniline hydrodenitrogenation) increases strongly with increasing NixPy loading. The KIT-6 and SBA-15 supported catalysts exhibit higher hydrotreating activities than reference CoMo/Al2O3 and Ni12P5/SiO2 catalysts. In contrast, the catalyst based on a mesoporous MFI support had the lowest hydrotreating activity. This activity trend is explained by the propensity of high-surface area mesoporous silica supports to well disperse metal phosphide particles. The active phase composition of the spent catalysts is in the range of Ni2.0-2.6P1.0S0.4-0.7. This suggests that bulk Ni2P with some sulfur in its surface forms the active phase in the mesopores of SBA-15 and KIT-6.

Szerző: J. Kodolányi, Pettke, T., Spandler, C., Scambelluri, M., John, T., Kamber, B., Gméling, K.
Cím: Trace element records of hydration and dehydration reactions in ultramafic rocks
Folyóirat: Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta
Kötet: 73
Oldalszám: A672-A672

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky and T. Težak-Greg
Cím: Kora-neolitikus radiolarit és obszidián kőeszközök vizsgálata prompt-gamma aktivációs analízissel
Editor: I. Gábor
Konferencia: Nyersanyagok és kereskedelem. Őskoros Kutatók VI. Összejövetele
Konferencia helyszíne: 2009. Szombathely
Oldalszám: 189-195

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky and V. Szilágyi
Cím: Régészeti leletek nyersanyagainak azonosítása kémiai összetételük alapján prompt gamma aktivációs analízis segítségével
Folyóirat: Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat
Kötet: 115
Oldalszám: 84-90

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky and J. Kunicki-Goldfinger
Cím: Újabb eredmények az üvegek archeometriai vizsgálatában prompt gamma aktivációs analízis segítségével.
Kiadvány címe: Archeometria Műhely
3: Kötet
51-57: Oldalszám

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky, W. A. Kockelmann, E. Perelli Cippo, G. Gorini and M. Tardocchi
Cím: Prompt gamma activation studies on archaeological objects at a pulsed neutron source
Folyóirat: Il Nuovo Cimento
Oldalszám: 143-155

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky, K. T. Biró, A. Markó and V. Dobosi
Cím: Pattintott kőeszközök nyersanyagainak roncsolásmentes vizsgálata prompt-gamma aktivációs analízissel
Kiadvány címe: Archeometria Műhely
1: Kötet
31-38: Oldalszám

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky, Biró, T.K., Gherdán, K., Botti, A., Sodo, A., Sajo-Bohus, L.
Year of Conference: 2009
Cím: Applicability of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis to the archaeometry of pottery
Konferencia: 9th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics
Konferencia helyszíne: Budapest
Oldalszám: 43-46

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: Ancient Charm: a new project for neutron-based 3D-imaging with applications to Archaeological Research
Konferencia: 36th International Symposium on Archaeometry
Kiadó: Cahiers d’archéologie du CELAT
Oldalszám: 55-61

Szerző: M. E. Heaton, Rogante, M., Kasztovszky, Zs., Denieffe, D.
Cím: Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis of Impurity and Elemental Stability for Two SU-8 Organic Polymer Samples Having Different Solidification Pretreatment
Folyóirat: Open Inorganic Chemistry Folyóirat
Kötet: 3
Oldalszám: 33-38

Szerző: K. Gméling, Z. Pécskay, M. J. Haller, G. I. Massaferro and K. Németh
Cím: Prompt gamma aktivációs analitikai vizsgálatok vulkáni kőzeteken a Balaton-felvidéktől Észak-Patagóniáig
Folyóirat: Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat
Kötet: 115
Oldalszám: 91-97

Szerző: K. Gherdán, V. Szilágyi and Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: An example of archaeometrical usage of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis: chemical characterization of Early Bronze Age pottery from two archaeological sites of Vörs
Editor: Editior
Konferencia: 7th International Conference on Nuclear and Radiochemistry
Konferencia helyszíne: Budapest, Hungary 24-29 August 2008
Oldalszám: 1-5

Szerző: L. Di Nicola, C. Schnabel, K. M. Wilcken and K. Gméling
Cím: Determination of chlorine concentrations in whole rock: Comparison between prompt-gamma activation and isotope-dilution AMS analysis
Folyóirat: Quaternary Geochronology
Kötet: 4
Kiadás: 6
Oldalszám: 501-507

Szerző: C. Cristache, K. Gmeling, O. Culicov, M. V. Frontasyeva, M. Toma and O. G. Duliu
Cím: An ENAA and PGAA comparative study of anoxic Black Sea sediments
Folyóirat: J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem.
Kötet: 279
Kiadás: 1
Oldalszám: 7-12
Dátum: Jan
Azonosító szám: ISI:000261971700002
Absztrakt: A comparative study performed by means of both epithermal neutron activation analysis (ENAA) and prompt gamma neutron activation analysis (PGAA) concerning the distribution of 9 elements (Na, Al, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Mn Fe and Sm) in unconsolidated sediments collected from the Black Sea anoxic region is presented. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used as a supplementary method in interpreting experimental data. The final results have shown that eight of them (Na, Al, Cl, K, Ti, Mn, Fe and Sm) have concentrations which differ by less than 30% from the corresponding concentrations of Upper Continental Crust (UCC), confirming the continental origin of sediments. At the same time, Ca concentration was about six times higher than that of UCC, this significant enrichment being due to the presence of the neighbouring oxygenated zone of considerable deposits of shell debris, characteristic of the Western Black Sea Continental Platform. Excepting Na and Mn, the concentrations of all other elements involved in this intercomparison were coincident within one standard deviation which attests the accuracy of this test. At the same time, PCA revealed the presence of five clusters, which could be put into concordance with the mineralogical composition of sediments, each of them consisting in equal proportions of elements determined by both methods.

Szerző: R. Capote, M. Herman, P. Oblozinsky, P. C. Young, S. Goriely, T. Belgya, A. V. Ignatyuk, A. J. Koning, S. Hilaire, V. A. Plujko, M. Avrigeanu, O. Bersillon, M. B. Chadwick, T. Fukahori, Z. G. Ge, Y. L. Han, S. Kailas, J. Kopecky, V. M. Maslov, G. Reffo, M. Sin, E. S. Soukhovitskii and P. Talou
Cím: RIPL - Reference Input Parameter Library for Calculation of Nuclear Reactions and Nuclear Data Evaluations
Folyóirat: Nuclear Data Sheets
Kötet: 110
Kiadás: 12
Oldalszám: 3107-3213
Dátum: Dec
Azonosító szám: ISI:000275554500001
Absztrakt: We describe the physics and data included in the Reference Input Parameter Library, which is devoted to input parameters needed in calculations of nuclear reactions and nuclear data evaluations. Advanced modelling codes require substantial numerical input, therefore the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has worked extensively since 1993 on a library of validated nuclear-model input parameters, referred to as the Reference Input Parameter Library (RIPL). A final RIPL coordinated research project (RIPL-3) was brought to a successful conclusion in December 2008, after 15 years of challenging work carried out through three consecutive IAEA projects. The RIPL-3 library was released in January 2009, and is available on the Web through http://www-nds.iaea.org/RIPL-3/. This work and the resulting database are extremely important to theoreticians involved in the development and use of nuclear reaction modelling (ALICE, EMPIRE, GNASH, UNF, TALYS) both for theoretical research and nuclear data evaluations. The numerical data and computer codes included in RIPL-3 are arranged in seven segments: MASSES contains ground-state properties of nuclei for about 9000 nuclei, including three theoretical predictions of masses and the evaluated experimental masses of Audi et al. (2003). DISCRETE LEVELS contains 117 datasets (one for each element) with all known level schemes, electromagnetic and gamma-ray decay probabilities available from ENSDF in October 2007. NEUTRON RESONANCES contains average resonance parameters prepared on the basis of the evaluations performed by Ignatyuk and Mughabghab. OPTICAL MODEL contains 495 sets of phenomenological optical model parameters defined in a wide energy range. When there are insufficient experimental data, the evaluator has to resort to either global parameterizations or microscopic approaches. Radial density distributions to be used as input for microscopic calculations are stored in the MASSES segment. LEVEL DENSITIES contains phenomenological parameterizations based on the modified Fermi gas and superfluid models and microscopic calculations which are based on a realistic microscopic single-particle level scheme. Partial level densities formulae are also recommended. All tabulated total level densities are consistent with both the recommended average neutron resonance parameters and discrete levels. GAMMA contains parameters that quantify giant resonances, experimental gamma-ray strength functions and methods for calculating gamma emission in statistical model codes. The experimental GDR parameters are represented by Lorentzian fits to the photo-absorption cross sections for 102 nuclides ranging from V-51 to Pu-239. FISSION includes global prescriptions for fission barriers and nuclear level densities at fission saddle points based on microscopic HFB calculations constrained by experimental fission cross sections.

Szerző: K. T. Biró and Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: Further studies on grey flint samples
Konferencia: 36th International Symposium on Archaeometry
Oldalszám: 143-149

Szerző: T. Belgya, E. Uberseder, D. Petrich and F. Kappeler
Cím: Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Section of 22Ne
Editor: A. Blazev, J. Jolie, N. Warr and A. Zilges
Konferencia: 13th Int. Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics
Konferencia helyszíne: Cologne, Germany 25-29 August 2008
Kiadó: AIP Conf. Proc.
Kötet: 1090
Oldalszám: 367-371

Szerző: D. G. Beasley, Alghamdi, A., Freitas MC, M.C., Fernandes, A., Revay, Zs.
Cím: Simulating the introduction of a sapphire crystal into an epithermal neutron beamline
Folyóirat: J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem.
Kötet: 281
Oldalszám: 307-311

Szerző: C. T. Astalos and Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: Prompt gamma activation analysis of some prehistoric stone tools from North-Western Romania
Konferencia: 36th International Symposium on Archaeometry
Oldalszám: 135-141


Szerző: J. L. Weil, T. Belgya and H.-F. Wirth
Cím: The 99Tc(n,g)100Tc cross section, 99Tc(d,p)100Tc and the 100Tc decay scheme and neutron binding energy
Konferencia: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Konferencia helyszíne: Niza, France, 2007
Kiadó: EDP Sciences
Kötet: 1
Number of Kötets: 2
Oldalszám: 611-614

Szerző: D. Teschner, Z. Révay, J. Borsodi, M. Hävecker, A. Knop-Gericke, R. Schlögl, D. Milroy, D. S. Jackson, D. Torres and P. Sautet
Cím: Understanding Palladium Hydrogenation Catalysts: When the Nature of the Reactive Molecule Controls the Nature of the Catalyst Active Phase
Folyóirat: Angewandte Chemie
Kötet: 47
Oldalszám: 1-6

Szerző: D. Teschner, J. Borsodi, A. Wootsch, Z. Revay, M. Havecker, A. Knop-Gericke, S. D. Jackson and R. Schlogl
Cím: The roles of subsurface carbon and hydrogen in palladium-catalyzed alkyne hydrogenation
Folyóirat: Science
Kötet: 320
Kiadás: 5872
Oldalszám: 86-89
Azonosító szám: WOS:000254633000035

Szerző: L. Szentmiklósi, Z. Révay, T. Belgya, A. Simonits and Z. Kis
Cím: Combining prompt gamma activation analysis and off-line counting
Folyóirat: J. Nucl. Radioanal. Chem.
Kötet: 278
Kiadás: 3
Oldalszám: 657-660

Szerző: L. Szentmiklósi, Z. Kis, T. Belgya, Z. Kasztovszky, P. Kudejova, T. Materna and R. Schulze
Cím: A new PGAI-NT setup and elemental imaging experiments at the Budapest Research Reactor
Editor: Editior
Konferencia helyszíne: Budapest, Hungary 24-29 August 2008
Oldalszám: 1-5

Szerző: Z. Revay, T. Belgya, L. Szentmiklosi, Z. Kis, A. Wootsch, D. Teschner, M. Swoboda, R. Schlogl, J. Borsodi and R. Zepernick
Cím: In situ determination of hydrogen inside a catalytic reactor using prompt gamma activation analysis
Folyóirat: Analytical Chemistry
Kötet: 80
Kiadás: 15
Oldalszám: 6066-6071
Azonosító szám: MEDLINE:18590280

Szerző: Z. Révay, T. Belgya, L. Szentmiklosi and Z. Kis
Cím: Recent developments and applications at the prompt gamma activation analysis facility at Budapest
Folyóirat: J. Nucl. Radioanal. Chem.
Kötet: 278
Kiadás: 3
Oldalszám: 643-646

Szerző: Z. Revay
Cím: Prompt gamma activation analysis of samples in thick containers
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 276
Kiadás: 3
Oldalszám: 825-830
Azonosító szám: WOS:000256928900039

Szerző: B. Péterdi, T. Horváth, G. Szakmány and Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: Balatonőszöd (Temetői dűlő) lelőhely késő rézkori kőeszközeinek kőzettani vizsgálata
Folyóirat: A Miskolci Egyetem Közleménye A sorozat, Bányászat
Kötet: 74
Oldalszám: 249-250

Szerző: D. L. Perry, G. A. English, R. B. Firestone, K. N. Leung, G. Garabedian, G. L. Molnar and Z. Revay
Cím: Analyses of oxyanion materials by prompt gamma activation analysis
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 276
Kiadás: 1
Oldalszám: 273-277
Azonosító szám: WOS:000254920700045

Szerző: L. Pelletier, F. Vils, A. Kalt and K. Gmeling
Cím: Li, B and Be Contents of Harzburgites from the Dramala Complex (Pindos Ophiolite, Greece): Evidence for a MOR-type Mantle in a Supra-subduction Zone Environment
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Petrology
Kötet: 49
Kiadás: 11
Oldalszám: 2043-2080
Dátum: Nov
Short Cím: Li, B and Be Contents of Harzburgites from the Dramala Complex (Pindos Ophiolite, Greece): Evidence for a MOR-type Mantle in a Supra-subduction Zone Environment
Azonosító szám: ISI:000261998000006
Absztrakt: The Pindos ophiolite represents oceanic lithosphere obducted during the Jurassic. The Dramala mantle section mainly consists of highly depleted spinel harzburgite and minor plagioclase-bearing harzburgite. Textural observations and major element compositions of minerals indicate that the harzburgites experienced impregnation by a mafic, depleted melt and subsequent high-temperature (high-T) hydration and cooling (750C) forming pargasite and edenitic hornblende. During further cooling (from 350400C to 100C), talc tremolite serpentine olivine, serpentine magnetite, and finally plagioclase alteration phases formed. To test the hypothesis of a supra-subduction zone origin for the Dramala mantle, we measured Li, B and Be contents of minerals by Másodlagos ion mass spectrometry. Whole-rock contents were measured using inductively coupled plasmamass spectrometry and prompt gamma neutron activation analysis. We observe low Li and B contents of primary minerals (olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene) consistent with values for unmetasomatized mantle minerals; only Li contents of clinopyroxene (up to 37 g/g) are slightly elevated. The bulk Li contents (0511 g/g) are in the upper range of values for unmetasomatized mantle, whereas B contents (00411 g/g) are variable and slightly elevated compared with the unmetasomatized mantle as a result of serpentinization. Beryllium abundances in all minerals are very low (0005 g/g), except for pargasite, where a maximum Be content of 0012 g/g was measured. The selective addition of Li to clinopyroxene can be related to the interaction with a depleted melt, and/or to partitioning of Li into clinopyroxene upon cooling. During high-T hydration and cooling, the fluid calculated to be in equilibrium with the pargasite or edenitic hornblende (based on Li, Be and B) could have been reaction-modified seawater. Low-T hydration may have led to a very minor increase in bulk B content of most samples and to the formation of serpentine with highly variable B contents (0128 g/g). Low-T hydration decreased the Li content of orthopyroxene, and Li was probably leached from some samples. The lack of correlation between degree of serpentinization and bulk B contents as well as the presence of high- and low-B serpentine can be explained by low fluidrock ratios, decreasing T during serpentinization and lack of equilibrium as a result of fast obductionexhumation. The low light-element contents of primary minerals and whole-rock samples clearly argue against a supra-subduction zone (SSZ) origin of the Dramala mantle section, and against the previous hypothesis of hydrous melting of the Pindos mantle above a subduction zone. We therefore conclude that the Dramala harzburgites represent a mid-ocean ridge (MOR)-type mantle, and not an SSZ-type mantle, juxtaposed with MOR-type and SSZ-type oceanic crust, either in a back-arc or in an intra-oceanic subduction zone setting.

Szerző: L. Pelletier, O. Müntener, A. Kalt, T. W. Vennemann and T. Belgya
Cím: Emplacement of ultramafic rocks into the continental crust monitored by light and other trace elements: An example from the Geisspfad body (Swiss-Italian Alps)
Folyóirat: Chem. Geology
Kötet: 255
Oldalszám: 143-159

Szerző: V. Pamukchieva, A. Szekeres, E. Svab, M. Fabian, Z. Revay and L. Szentmiklosi
Cím: Spectroscopic ellipsometric determination of the optical constants of chalcogenide films of the Ge-Sb-S-Te system
Editor: Editior
Konferencia: Fifteenth International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies
Kiadó: IOP Publishing
Kötet: Folyóirat of Physics: Conference Series 113
Oldalszám: 012054

Szerző: K. Németh, Pécskay, Z., U. Martin, K. Gméling, F. Molnár and S. Cronin
Cím: Hyaloclastites, peperites and soft-sediment deformation textures of a shallow subaqueous Miocene rhyolitic dome-cryptodome complex, Pálháza, Hungary. In: Structure and Emplacement of High-Level Magmatic Systems
Folyóirat: N. Folyóirat of Geological Society
Kötet: 302
Oldalszám: 63-86

Szerző: I. Nagy, T. Weiszburg, G. Szakmány, G. Varga and Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: Mineralogical, Petrographic And Geochemical Study Of Neolithic Polished Axes From Micula (Nw Transylvania, Romania)
Kiadvány címe: Archaeometriai Műhely
City: City
HNM: Kiadó
2: Kötet
1: Kiadás
37-45: Oldalszám

Szerző: A. Manescu, F. Fiori, A. Giuliani, N. Kardjilov, Z. Kasztovszky, F. Rustichelli and B. Straumal
Cím: Non-destructive compositional analysis of historic organ reed pipes
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Physics-Condensed Matter
Kötet: 20
Kiadás: 10
Oldalszám: 104250
Azonosító szám: WOS:000254101000051

Szerző: S. V. Makarov, D. S. Salnikov, A. S. Pogorelova, Z. Kis and R. Silaghi-Dumitrescu
Cím: A new route to carbon monoxide adducts of heme proteins
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines
Kötet: 12
Kiadás: 10
Oldalszám: 1096-1099
Azonosító szám: ISI:000262337900004
Absztrakt: Sulfoxylate SO2H- (SO22-), a strong reducing agent readily produced by hydrolysis of thiourea dioxide, reacts with ferric myoglobin (Mb) to reversibly produce Fe(II)-Mb, starting from either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Exposure of Fe(II)-Mb to excess sulfoxylate further produces Fe(II)-CO-Mb. Fe(II)-Mb can be regenerated by reoxidation with ferricyanide at this stage; hemin, rubredoxin and cytochrome c show a similar reactivity towards sulfoxylate. The source of CO is not the protein moiety. nor is it the heme or the thiourea dioxide - but rather CO2 via its reaction with sulfoxylate when the latter is used in large excess. These findings provide a convenient single-step route to carbon monoxide heme adducts, without the need to manipulate toxic CO gas. Copyright (C) 2008 Society of Porphyrins & Phthalocyanines.

Szerző: M. Krticka, R. B. Firestone, D. P. McNabb, B. Sleaford, U. Agvaanluvsan, T. Belgya and Z. S. Revay
Cím: Thermal neutron capture cross sections of the palladium isotopes
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 77
Kiadás: 5
Oldalszám: 054615
Azonosító szám: WOS:000256885600046

Szerző: R. Kovacs-Mezei, T. Krist and Z. Revay
Cím: Non-magnetic supermirrors produced at Mirrotron Ltd
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kötet: 586
Kiadás: 1
Oldalszám: 51-54
Azonosító szám: WOS:000253845300011

Szerző: Z. Kis, T. Belgya, L. Szentmiklósi, Z. Kasztovszky, P. Kudejová and R. Schulze
Cím: Prompt Gamma Activation Imaging on ’black boxes’ in the ’ANCIENT CHARM’ project
Kiadvány címe: Archaeometriai Műhely
City: City
HNM: Kiadó
1: Kiadás
41-60: Oldalszám

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky, K. T. Biró, A. Markó and V. Dobosi
Cím: Prompt gamma activation analysis for non-destructive characterization of chipped stone tools and raw materials
Folyóirat: J. Nucl. Radioanal. Chem.
Kötet: 278
Kiadás: 2
Oldalszám: 293-298

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky and J. Kunicki-Goldfinger
Cím: Újabb eredmények az üvegek archeometriai vizsgálatában prompt gamma aktivációs analízis segítségével
Folyóirat: Archeometria Műhely
Kiadás: V
Oldalszám: 51-57

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky, W. A. Kockelmann, E. P. Cippo, G. Gorini and M. Tardocchi
Cím: Prompt gamma activation studies on archaeological objects at a pulsed neutron source
Folyóirat: Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica C-Geophysics and Space Physics
Kötet: 31
Kiadás: 2
Oldalszám: 143-155
Dátum: Mar-Apr
Azonosító szám: ISI:000262386500003
Absztrakt: The potential of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) for non-destructive quantitative investigation of archaeological objects at a pulsed neutron spallation source was studied. Experiments were performed on the ROTAX time-of-flight diffractometer of the ISIS neutron source on a chalcolithic copper axe, a limestone sample from the ancient Quarry of Masarah (Egypt), a Roman bronze fibula, and two fragments of glass from the Roman Villa Adriana. For reference and comparison, measurements were also performed at the PGAA station of the Budapest research reactor. It is found that the performance of a PGAA analysis at a, pulsed source, with a make-shift, set-up on an instrument designed for diffraction studies, cannot match the achievable results at a dedicated PGAA facility at a reactor source. However, the possibility of performing different investigations, e.g., neutron diffraction for structure analysis and PGAA for elemental analysis, at a single facility on one and the same object remains attractive and offers useful applications in the field of cultural heritage.

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky, Z. Kis, T. Belgya, W. Kockelmann, S. Imberti, G. Festa, A. Filabozzi, C. Andreani, A. Kirfel, K. T. Biró, K. Dúzs, Z. Hajnal, P. Kudejova and M. Tardocchi
Cím: Prompt gamma activation analysis and time of flight neutron diffraction on ‘black boxes’ in the ‘Ancient Charm’ project
Folyóirat: J. Nucl. Radioanal. Chem.
Kötet: 278
Kiadás: 3
Oldalszám: 661-664

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky, K. T. Biro, A. Marko and V. Dobosi
Cím: Prompt gamma activation analysis for non-destructive characterization of chipped stone tools and raw materials
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 278
Kiadás: 2
Oldalszám: 293-298
Dátum: Nov
Azonosító szám: ISI:000262851000013
Absztrakt: Recently, several archaeometrical projects were started on the prehistoric collection of the Hungarian National Museum. Among the analytical methods applied, non-destructive prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) has a special importance. Based on major- and trace components, characterization of stone tools and their raw materials were performed. Until now, 160 pieces from Carpathian Basin and from the surrounding area (Romania, Croatia, Ukraine, Poland and the Mediterranean region) have been analyzed, including both archaeological and geological pieces. Obsidian and Szeletian felsitic porphyry objects adequately separable with PGAA. Identification of high silica silex categories, however, is much more difficult.

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky, K. T. Biro, A. Marko and V. Dobosi
Cím: Cold neutron prompt gamma activation analysis - A non-destructive method for characterization of high silica content chipped stone tools and raw materials
Folyóirat: Archaeometry
Kötet: 50
Oldalszám: 12-29
Azonosító szám: WOS:000252555800002

Szerző: K. Gherdán, V. Szilágyi and Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: An example of archaeometrical usage of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis: chemical characterization of Early Bronze Age pottery from two archaeological sites of Vörs
Editor: Editior
Konferencia helyszíne: Budapest, Hungary 24-29 August 2008
Oldalszám: 1-5

Szerző: M. C. Freitas, Z. Revay, L. Szentmiklosi, I. Dionisio, H. M. Dung and A. M. G. Pacheco
Cím: Different methodologies in neutron activation to approach the full analysis of environmental and nutritional samples
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 278
Kiadás: 2
Oldalszám: 381-386
Dátum: Nov
Azonosító szám: ISI:000262851000029
Absztrakt: Different methodologies of neutron activation analysis (NAA) are now available at the Technological and Nuclear Institute (Sacavem, Portugal), namely Compton suppression, epithermal activation, replicate and cyclic activation, and low energy photon measurement. Prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) will be implemented soon. Results by instrumental NAA and PGAA on environmental and nutritional samples are discussed herein, showing that PGAA - carried out at the Institute of Isotope Research (Budapest, Hungary) - brings about an effective input to assessing relevant elements. Sensitivity enhancement in NAA by Compton suppression is also illustrated. Through a judicious combination of methodologies, practically all elements of interest in pollution and nutrition terms can be determined.

Szerző: R. B. Firestone, M. Krticka, D. P. McNabb, B. Sleaford, U. Agvaanluvsan, T. Belgya and Z. Revay
Year of Conference: 2008
Cím: New methods for the determination of total radiative thermal neutron capture cross sections
Konferencia: Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics, 22-26 Oct. 2007
Kiadó: AIP conf. Proc.
Kötet: 1005
Oldalszám: 26-29
Azonosító szám: ISIP:000255660900004

Szerző: G. A. English, R. B. Firestone, D. L. Perry, J. P. Reijonen, K. N. Leung, G. F. Garabedian, G. L. Molnar and Z. Revay
Cím: Prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) and short-lived neutron activation analysis (NAA) applied to the characterization of legacy materials
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 277
Kiadás: 1
Oldalszám: 25-29
Azonosító szám: WOS:000257318800004

Szerző: L. Canella, P. Kudejova, R. Schulze, N. Warr, A. Türler, J. Jolie, Z. Revay and T. Belgya
Cím: First experiments at the new PGAA facility at the research reactor FRM II
Editor: Editior
Konferencia helyszíne: Budapest, Hungary 24-29 August 2008
Oldalszám: 1-4

Szerző: A. Borella, T. Belgya, E. Berthoumieux, N. Colonna, C. Domingo-Pardo, J. C. Drohe, F. Gunsing, S. Marrone, T. Martinez, C. Massimi, P. M. Mastinu, P. M. Milazzo, P. Schillebeeckx, G. Tagliente, J. Tain, R. Terlizzi and R. Wynants
Cím: Measurements of the branching ratio of the 209Bi(n,g)210gBi/210mBi reactions at GELINA
Konferencia: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Konferencia helyszíne: Niza, France, 2007
Kiadó: EDP Sciences
Kötet: 1
Number of Kötets: 2
Oldalszám: 563-566

Szerző: T. Belgya, P. Schillebeeckx and A. Plompen
Cím: Thermal neutron capture cross section measurements using a cold neutron beam
Editor: A. Plompen
Konferencia: Neutron Measurements, Evaluations and Applications
Konferencia helyszíne: Prague, Czech Republic, 16-18 October 2007, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, EUR 23235 EN
Kiadó: European Communities, 2008
Kötet: 1
Number of Kötets: 1
Oldalszám: 31-34
DOI: 10.2787/13092

Szerző: T. Belgya and K. Lazar
Cím: First experiments on a new in-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy station at the Budapest Research Reactor
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 276
Kiadás: 1
Oldalszám: 269-272
Azonosító szám: WOS:000254920700044

Szerző: T. Belgya, Z. Kis, L. Szentmiklósi, Z. Kasztovszky, P. Kudejova, R. Schulze, T. Materna, G. Festa and P. A. Caroppi
Cím: First elemental imaging experiments on a combined PGAI and NT setup at the Budapest Research Reactor
Folyóirat: J. Nucl. Radioanal. Chem.
Kötet: 278
Kiadás: 3
Oldalszám: 751-754
DOI: 10.1007/s10967-008-1605-7

Szerző: T. Belgya, Z. Kis, L. Szentmiklósi, Z. Kasztovszky, G. Festa, L. Andreanelli, M. P. De Pascale, A. Pietropaolo, P. Kudejova, R. Schulze and T. Materna
Cím: A new PGAI-NT setup at the NIPS facility of the Budapest Research Reactor
Folyóirat: J. Nucl. Radioanal. Chem.
Kötet: 278
Kiadás: 3
Oldalszám: 713-718
DOI: 10.1007/s10967-008-1510-0

Szerző: T. Belgya, O. Bouland, G. Noguere, A. Plompen, P. Schillebeeckx and L. Szentmiklosi
Cím: The thermal neutron capture cross section of 129I
Konferencia: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Konferencia helyszíne: Niza, France, 2007
Kiadó: EDP Siences
Kötet: 1
Number of Kötets: 2
Oldalszám: 631-634

Szerző: T. Belgya
Cím: New gamma-ray intensities for the N-14(n,gamma)N-15 high energy standard and its influence on PGAA and on nuclear quantities
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 276
Kiadás: 3
Oldalszám: 609-614
Azonosító szám: WOS:000256928900007


Szerző: L. Szentmiklosi, Z. Revay and T. Belgya
Cím: An improved beam chopper setup at the Budapest PGAA facility
Folyóirat: Nucl. Instr. and Methods B
Kötet: 263
Oldalszám: 90-94

Szerző: L. Szentmiklósi, K. Gméling and Z. Révay
Cím: Fitting the boron peak and resolving interferences in the 450-490 keV region of PGAA spectra
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 271
Kiadás: 2
Oldalszám: 447-453
Dátum: February 2007
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10967-007-0229-7

Szerző: L. Szentmiklósi, T. Belgya, G. L. Molnár and Z. Révay
Cím: Time resolved gamma-ray spectrometry
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 271
Kiadás: 2
Oldalszám: 439-445
Dátum: February 2007
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10967-007-0228-8

Szerző: M. Rogante, G. De Marinis, Z. Kasztovszky and F. Milazzo
Cím: Comparative analysis of iron age bronze archaeological objects from a picenum necropolis of centre Italy with Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis
Folyóirat: Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica C-Geophysics and Space Physics
Kötet: 30
Kiadás: 1
Oldalszám: 113-122
Dátum: Jan-Feb
Azonosító szám: ISI:000246535600014
URL: <Go to ISI>://000246535600014

Szerző: Z. Revay, R. K. Harrison, E. Alvarez, S. R. Biegalski and S. Landsberger
Cím: Construction and characterization of the redesigned PGAA facility at The University of Texas at Austin
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kötet: 577
Kiadás: 3
Oldalszám: 611-618
Dátum: Jul
ISSN: 0168-9002
Azonosító szám: ISI:000248298800019
Keywords: prompt gamma activation analysis; facility; detector; shielding; background GAMMA-ACTIVATION-ANALYSIS; COLD NEUTRON SOURCE; REACTOR
Absztrakt: The prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) facility at The University of Texas at Austin (UT) has been redesigned and reconstructed. As a result of the new shielding of the system, the neutron (at all energies) and gamma-ray backgrounds have been reduced by more than an order of magnitude, considerably improving the signal-to-noise ratio for the characteristic peaks. The prompt gamma peaks front the construction materials have also been decreased, providing better detection limits for elements. The calibration of the new system is shown in detail. All these efforts significantly improved the sensitivity and reliability of the chemical analyses performed in the facility. The characteristics of the improved PGAA system are also presented.

Szerző: Z. Révay, T. Belgya and R. B. Firestone
Year of Conference: 2007
Cím: Determination of Thermal Neutron Capture Cross-sections at Budapest PGAA Facility
Editor: P. L. C. R.Alarcon, C. Djalali and F. Umeres
Konferencia: VII. Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications
Konferencia helyszíne: Cusco, Peru
Kiadó: AIP, Conf. Proc.
Kötet: 947
Oldalszám: 445-448

Szerző: Z. Revay
Cím: Comparison of the analytical sensitivities for non-1/v elements in different neutron beams
Folyóirat: Nucl. Instrum. & Methods B
Kötet: 263
Oldalszám: 79-84

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky, D. Visser, W. Kockelmann, E. Pantos, A. Brown, M. Blaauw, P. Hallebeek, J. Veerkamp, W. Krook and H. M. Stuchfield
Cím: Combined prompt gamma activation and neutron diffraction analyses of historic metal objects and limestone samples
Folyóirat: Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica C-Geophysics and Space Physics
Kötet: 30
Kiadás: 1
Oldalszám: 67-78
Dátum: Jan-Feb
Azonosító szám: ISI:000246535600009
URL: <Go to ISI>://000246535600009

Szerző: Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: Application of prompt gamma activation analysis to investigate archaeological ceramics
Folyóirat: Archeometriai Műhely
Kötet: II
Oldalszám: 49-54

Szerző: S. Harangi, H. Downes, M. Thirlwall and K. Gméling
Cím: Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Geodynamic Relationships of Miocene Calc-alkaline Volcanic Rocks in the Western Carpathian Arc, Eastern Central Europe
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Petrology
Kötet: 48
Kiadás: 12
Oldalszám: 2261-2287

Szerző: S. Harangi, H. Dowmes, M. Thirlwall and K. Gmeling
Cím: Geochemistry, petrogenesis and geodynamic relationship of Miocene calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the Western Carpathian Arc, Eastern Central Europe
Folyóirat: J. Petrology
Kötet: 48
Kiadás: 12
Oldalszám: 2261-2287

Szerző: K. Gmeling, K. Nemeth, U. Martin, N. Eby and Z. Varga
Cím: Boron concentrations of volcanic fields in different geotectonic settings
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Kötet: 159
Kiadás: 1-3
Oldalszám: 70-84
Dátum: Jan 1
Azonosító szám: ISI:000243607900004
URL: <Go to ISI>://000243607900004

Szerző: K. Gmeling, Z. Kasztovszky, L. Szentmiklosi, Z. Revay and S. Harangi
Cím: Boron concentration measurements by prompt gamma activation analysis: Application on miocene-quaternary volcanics of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 271
Kiadás: 2
Oldalszám: 397-403
Dátum: Feb
Azonosító szám: ISI:000242627300022
URL: <Go to ISI>://000242627300022

Szerző: K. Gmeling, S. Harangi, Z. Kasztovszky, Z. Pecskay, A. Simonits and Vc
Cím: Inferences for the style of subduction in the Carpathian-Pannonian region based on boron signatures
Folyóirat: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta
Kötet: 71
Kiadás: 15
Oldalszám: A331-A331
Dátum: Aug
ISSN: 0016-7037
Azonosító szám: ISI:000248789900674

Szerző: K. Gméling, S. Harangi and Z. Kasztovszky
Cím: A bór geokémiai szerepe szubdukciós zónákban (A bór geokémiai változékonysága a Kárpát-Pannon térségben
Folyóirat: Földtani Közlöny
Kötet: 137
Kiadás: 4
Oldalszám: 557-580

Szerző: R. B. Firestone, A. West, J. P. Kennett, L. Becker, T. E. Bunch, Z. Revay, P. H. Schultz, T. Belgya, D. J. Kennett, J. M. Erlandson, O. J. Dickenson, A. C. Goodyear, R. S. Harris, G. A. Howard, J. B. Kloosterman, P. Lechler, P. A. Mayewski, J. Montgomery, R. Poreda, T. Darrah, S. S. Que Hee, A. R. Smith, A. Stich, W. Topping, J. H. Wittke and W. S. Wolbach
Cím: Evidence for an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago that contributed to the megafaunal extinctions and the Younger Dryas cooling
Folyóirat: PNAS
Kötet: 104
Kiadás: 41
Oldalszám: 16016-16021

Szerző: M. Fabian, E. Svab, G. Meszaros, Z. Revay and E. Veress
Cím: Neutron diffraction study of sodium borosilicate waste glasses containing uranium
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Non-Crystalline Solids
Kötet: 353
Kiadás: 18-21
Oldalszám: 1941-1945
Dátum: Jun 15
Azonosító szám: ISI:000247330600046
URL: <Go to ISI>://000247330600046

Szerző: M. Fabian, E. Svab, G. Meszaros, Z. Revay, T. Proffen and E. Veress
Cím: Network structure of multi-component sodium borosilicate glasses by neutron diffraction
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Non-Crystalline Solids
Kötet: 353
Kiadás: 18-21
Oldalszám: 2084-2089
Dátum: Jun 15
Azonosító szám: ISI:000247330600075
URL: <Go to ISI>://000247330600075

Szerző: H. D. Choi, R. B. Firestone, R. M. Lindstrom, G. L. Molnár, S. F. Mughabghab, R. Paviotti-Corcuera, Z. Révay, A. Trkov, V. Zerkin and C. Zhou
Oldalak: 1-251
ISBN: ISBN 92–0–101306–X

Szerző: M. M. Bé, V. P. Chechev, R. Dersch, O. A. M. Helene, R. G. Helmer, M. Herman, S. Hlavac, A. Marcinkowski, G. L. Molnár, A. L. Nichols, E. Schönfeld, V. R. Vanin and M. J. Woods
Cím: Update of X-ray and gamma ray decay data standards for detector calibrations and other applications
City: Vienna
Kiadó: IAEA
Kötet: I and II

Szerző: E. Algin, A. Schiller, A. Voinov, U. Agvaanluvsan, T. Belgya, L. A. Bernstein, C. R. Brune, R. Chankova, P. E. Garrett, S. M. Grimes, M. Guttormsen, M. Hjorth-Jensen, M. J. Hornish, C. W. Johnson, T. Massey, G. E. Mitchell, J. Rekstad, S. Siem, W. Younes and Pc
Cím: Bulk properties of iron isotopes
Folyóirat: Physics of Atomic Nuclei
Kötet: 70
Kiadás: 9
Oldalszám: 1634-1639
Dátum: Sep
Type of Article: Article
ISSN: 1063-7788
Azonosító szám: ISI:000249820500023
Absztrakt: Nuclear level densities and radiative strength functions (RSFs) in Fe-56 and Fe-57 were measured using the Fe-57(He-3, alpha gamma) and Fe-57(He-3, He-3'gamma) reactions, respectively, at the Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory. A low-energy enhancement in the RSF below 4-MeV energy was observed. This finding cannot be explained by common theoretical models. In a second experiment, two-step cascade intensities with soft primary transitions from the Fe-56(n, 2 gamma) reaction were measured. The agreement between the two experiments confirms the low-energy enhancement in the RSFs. In a third experiment, the neutron evaporation spectrum from the Mn-55(d, n)Fe-56 reaction was measured at 7-MeV deuteron energy at the John Edwards Accelerator Laboratory at Ohio University. Comparison of the level density of Fe-56 obtained from the first and third experiments gives an overall good agreement. Furthermore, observed enhancement for soft gamma rays is strengthened by the last experiment.


Szerző: Assuncao, M.; Fey, M.; Lefebvre-Schuhl, A.; Kiener, J.; Tatischeff, V.; Hammer, J. W.; Beck, C.; Boukari-Pelissie, C.; Coc, A.; Correia, J. J.; Courtin, S.; Fleurot, F.; Galanopoulos, E.; Grama, C.; Haas, F.; Hammache, F.; Hannachi, F.; Harissopulos, S.; Korichi, A.; Kuntz, R.; LeDu, D.; Lopez-Martens, A.; Malcherek, D.; Meunier, R.; Paradellis, T.; Rousseau, M.; Rowley, N.; Staudt, G.; Szilner, S.; Thibaud, J. P.; Weil, J. L.
Cím: E1 and E2 S factors of C-12(alpha,gamma(0))O-16 from gamma-ray angular distributions with a 4 pi-detector array
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 73 (5) (2006)

Keywords: escape suppressed spectrometer; astrophysical reaction-rate; cross-section; stellar energies; dynamitron accelerator; massive stars; light-nuclei; key reaction; nucleosynthesis; C-12

Abstract: A new experiment to determine the thermonuclear cross section of the C-12(alpha,gamma)O-16 reaction has been performed in regular kinematics using an intense alpha-particle beam of up to 340 mu A from the Stuttgart DYNAMITRON. For the first time, a 4 pi-germanium-detector setup has been used to measure the angular distribution of the gamma rays at all angles simultaneously. It consisted of an array of nine EUROGAM high-purity Ge detectors in close geometry, actively shielded individually with bismuth germanate crystals. The C-12 targets were isotopically enriched by magnetic separation during implantation. The depth profiles of the implanted carbon in the C-12 targets were determined by Rutherford backscattering for purposes of cross-section normalization and absolute determination of the E1 and E2 S factors. Angular distributions of the gamma decay to the O-16 ground state were measured in the energy range E-c.m.=1.30-2.78 MeV and in the angular range (lab.) 30 degrees-130 degrees. From these distributions, astrophysical E1 and E2 S-factor functions vs energy were calculated, both of which are indispensable to the modeling of this reaction and the extrapolation toward lower energies. The separation of the E1 and E2 capture channels was done both by taking the phase value phi(12) as a free parameter and by fixing it using the results of elastic alpha-particle scattering on C-12 in the same energy range.

Szerző: Balázsi, Cs.; Wéber, F.; Kövér, Z.; Shen, Z.; Kónya, Z.; Kasztovszky, Z.; Vértesy, Z.; Biró, L. P.; Kiricsi, I.; Arató, P.
Cím: Application of carbon nanotubes to silicon nitride matrix reinforcements
Folyóirat: Current Applied Physics
Kötet: 6 (2) 124-130 (2006)

Keywords: carbon nanotube; silicon nitride; composites; sintering, mechanical-properties; composites; ceramics; nanocomposites; activation

Abstract: A conventional (hot isostatic pressing) and a novel sintering method (spark plasma sintering) have been applied to perform multiwall carbon nanotube (MWNT) reinforced silicon nitride coSzerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Biró, K. T.
Cím: Fingerprinting carpathian obsidians by PGAA: first results on geological and archaeological specimens
Folyóirat: Proceedings of 34th International Symposium on Archaeometry
301-308 (2006)
mposites. Morphological, structural, compositional investigations, as well as mechanical characterization have been performed. The first results Show that carbon nanotubes have been preserved in composite structure during these two high-temperature processes. Carbon nanotubes have been found to have good adherence to the silicon nitride grains as observed for both processing methods. Moreover, carbon nanotubes may serve as crystallization sites and seeds for silicon nitride grain growth. Significant differences have been found between composites prepared by these two sintering techniques. Well-densified composites with nanocrystalline structure and with improved mechanical characteristics have been obtained by spark plasma sintering. The conventional sintering resulted in partially densified composites with coarser grain structure.

Szerző: Belgya, T.
Cím: Improved accuracy of gamma-ray intensities from basic principles for the calibration reaction 14N(n, gamma )15N
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 74 024603 (2006)

Abstract: The 14N(n, gamma)15N reaction is a primary source of high-energy gamma rays for use in the calibration of detectors for other neutron-capture reactions. The gamma-ray intensities of 15N produced by thermal neutron capture and the gamma-ray detection efficiency function have been simultaneously determined from gamma-peak areas alone using the basic principle of intensity balance. A least-squares fit was made to a new type of intensity balance calculation, combined with traditional efficiency fitting of radioactive sources. This latter ensures the compatibility with low-energy efficiencies, while providing an unbiased efficiency function for higher (up to 10 MeV) gamma-ray energies. The calculation is based on the assumption that the 15N decay scheme is complete. From the internal consistency of the resulting intensities, it is believed that they are more accurate than previously published values. The same is true for the derived efficiency function.

Szerző: Révay, Z.; Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.; Rausch, H.; Braun, T.
Cím: The analysis of C-60 and C-70 fullerenes by prompt gamma neutron activation
Folyóirat: Chemical Physics Letters
Kötet: 423 (4-6) 450-453 (2006)

Keywords: detectors; PGAA
Abstract: The capabilities of prompt gamma neutron activation analysis (PGAA) are examined for fullerene samples. As shown PGAA is a promising instrumental technique for the determination of the light elements of the periodic table. These elements (C, H, O, N and B) were inaccessible by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) as done by the Szerzős in previous publications.

Szerző: Révay, Zs.
Cím: Calculation of uncertainites in prompt gamma activation analysis
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kötet: 564 688-697 (2006)

Keywords: Prompt gamma activation analysis; Uncertainties; Error propagation; Radioactive capture; X- and gamma-ray spectroscopy
Abstract: A complete uncertainty calculation is presented of prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA), as is performed at the PGAA facility of the Budapest Neutron Center. The uncertainty values are derived for the calculation of the efficiency, the partial gamma-ray production cross-section and the component mass. It is shown that using the relative method of PGAA, the uncertainty values can be significantly reduced, especially taking into consideration the correlation between the efficiencies at close-lying energies. A method is proposed for the calculation of uncertainties of concentrations from those of component masses. The procedure is shown in an example and recommendations are given for keeping the uncertainties and error propagation of results originating from different laboratories under control.

Szerző: Szentmiklósi, L.; Révay, Z.; Chobola, R.; Mell, P.; Szakács, S.; Kása, I.
Cím: Characterization of CaSO4-based dosimeter materials with PGAA and thermoluminescent methods
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 267 (2) 415-420 (2006)

Keywords: prompt gamma activation analysis; grain-size; CaSO4-Dy
Abstract: A series of measurements was performed at the Prompt-Gamma Activation Analysis Facility of the Budapest Research Reactor to determine concentrations of Tm, Dy and Cu activators in CaSO4-based thermoluminescent dosimeter materials. The elemental compositions were determined in order to provide analytical information for studies on dosimetric properties depending on the activator concentration. The elemental composition data were compared to the results from thermoluminescent measurements.

Szerző: Szentmiklósi, L.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Measurement of partial gamma-ray production cross-sections and k0 factors for radionuclides with chopped-beam PGAA
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A
Kötet: 564 655-661 (2006)

Keywords: Prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA); Neutron activation analysis (NAA); Beam chopper; Cold neutrons; Partial gamma-ray production; cross-sections; k0-factors; Internal standardization
Abstract: The partial gamma-ray production cross-sections (sg) and k0 factors for 16 short- and medium-lived radionuclides were determined with prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) in a chopped beam of cold neutrons. This technique avoids some problems of usual standardization measurements done in neutron activation analysis (NAA), e.g. epithermal activation, counting at varying count rates, and also offers better selectivities than continuous-beam PGAA. The k0 values were determined with internal standardization using stoichiometric compounds or water solutions of known compositions. Calculation of the uncertainties is also discussed in detail.

Szerző: Voinov, A. V.; Grimes, S. M.; Agvaanluvsan, U.; Algin, E.; Belgya, T.; Brune, C. R.; Guttormsen, M.; Hornish, M. J.; Massey, T.; Mitchell, G. E.; Rekstad, J.; Schiller, A.; Siem, S.
Cím: Level density of Fe-56 and low-energy enhancement of gamma-strength function
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 74 (1) (2006)

Keywords: spectra; resonances; extraction
Abstract: The Mn-55(d,n)Fe-56 differential cross section is measured at E-d=7 MeV. The Fe-56 level density obtained from neutron evaporation spectra is compared to the level density extracted from the Fe-57(He-3, alpha gamma)Fe-56 reaction by the Oslo-type technique. Good agreement is found between the level densities determined by the two methods. With the level density function obtained from the neutron evaporation spectra, the Fe-56 gamma-strength function is also determined from the first-generation gamma matrix of the Oslo experiment. The good agreement between the past and present results for the gamma-strength function supports the validity of both methods and is consistent with the low-energy enhancement of the gamma strength below similar to 4 MeV that was first discovered by the Oslo method in iron and molybdenum isotopes.

Szerző: Marschall, H. R.; Altherr, R.; Ludwig, T.; Kalt, A.; Gméling, K.; Kasztovszky, Zs.
Cím: Partitioning and budget of Li, Be and B in high-pressure metamorphic rocks
Folyóirat: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Kötet: Corrected Proof (2006)

Szerző: Szentmiklósi, L.
Year: 2006
Cím: Időfüggő folyamatok alkalmazása a prompt gamma aktivációs analízisben
Academic Department: BME Vegyészmérnöki Kar, Fizikai Kémia Tanszék
City: Budapest
University: Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Number of Oldalszám: 98
Thesis Type: PhD

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Belgya, T.
Cím: From PGAA to PGAI: from bulk analysis to elemental mapping
Folyóirat: Archeometriai Műhely
Kötet: III (2) 16-21 (2006)

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Non-Destructive Investigations of Cultural Heritage Objects with Guided Neutrons
Folyóirat: Archeometriai Műhely
Kötet: III (1) 12-17 (2006)

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Gméling, K.
Cím: Validation of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis on a set of geological standards.
in preparation (2006)

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs ; Belgya, T.
Cím: A kulturális örökség tárgyi emlékeinek roncsolásmentes vizsgálata neutronnyalábbal: az Ancient Charm projekt
Folyóirat: Természet Világa
Kötet: 137. (10.) 452-454. (2006)

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Biró, K. T.
Cím: Fingerprinting carpathian obsidians by PGAA: first results on geological and archaeological specimens
Folyóirat: Proceedings of 34th International Symposium on Archaeometry
301-308 (2006)

Szerző: Zöldföldi, J.; Richter, S.; Kasztovszky, Zs.; Mihály, J.
Cím: Where does Lapis Lazuli come from?
Folyóirat: Proceedings of 34th International Symposium on Archaeometry
351-361 (2006)

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; T. Biró, K.; Markó, A.; Dobosi, V.
Cím: Cold neutron prompt gamma activation analysis - a non-destructive method for characterisation of high silica content chipped stone tools and raw materials
Folyóirat: Archaeometry
accepted (2006)

Szerző: Hillers, M.; Altherr, R.; Ludwig, T.; Meyer, H. P.; Marschall, H. R.; Kasztovszky, Zs.; Gméling, K.
Cím: Lithium, beryllium and boron in I-type granitoids from the Aegean Sea, Greece
Folyóirat: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
accepted (2006)

Szerző: Gméling, K.; Harangi, Sz.; Kasztovszky, Zs
Cím: A bór geokémiai szerepe szubdukciós zónákban (A bór geokémiai változékonysága a Kárpát Pannon térségben).
Folyóirat: Földtani Közlöny
előkészületben (2006)

Szerző: Gméling, K.; Németh, K.; Martin, U.; Eby, N. ; Varga, Zs.
Cím: concentrations of volcanic fields in different geotectonic settings
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
in press (2006)

Szerző: Belgya, T; Révay, Z.; Szentmiklósi, L.
Year of Conference: 2006
Cím: Determination of Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Sections Using Cold Neutron Beams at the Budapest PGAA and NIPS Facilities
Editor: Andreas Woehr, Ani Aprahamian
Conference Name: 12th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics
Conference Location: September 4-9, 2005 University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Kiadó: AIP Melville, New York
Kötet: 819
Oldalszám: 300-306


Szerző: Algin, E. ; Schiller, A.; Voinov, A.; Agvaanluvsan, U.; Belgya, T.; Chankova, R.; Guttormsen, M.; Hjorth-Jensen, M.; Johnson, C.W.; Mitchell, G.E.; Rekstad, J.; Siem, S.
Year of Conference: 2005
Cím: Level Densities and Radiative Strength Functions
Conference Name: World Year of Physics 2005-Turkish Physical Society, 23rd. International Physics Congress
Conference Location: Mueth;la, Turkey, September 13-16, 2005


Szerző: Balázsi, C.; Cinar, F. S.; Addemir, O.; Kasztovszky, Zs.; Kover, Z.; Weber, F.
Year: 2005
Cím: Size effects in micro- and nanocarbon added C/Si3N4 composite prepared by hot pressing
Book Cím: Fractography of Advanced Ceramics II
City: Zurich
Kötet: 290
Oldalszám: 238-241
Series Cím: Key Engineering Materials
Azonosító szám: ISI:000230339300032

Keywords: silicon nitride; carbon black; graphite; mechanical properties, nanocomposites
Abstract: Silicon nitride based composites have been fabricated by carbon addition. Carbon black nanograins and graphite micrograins were used as second phase additions. Alumina and yttria were used as sintering aids. Mixing of powders was performed in a ball mill and for comparison in a high efficient attritor mill. For sintering the hot pressing technique has been applied. Experiments at 2 MPa uniaxial pressure have been performed. The SUN mass fraction after sintering, were determined by prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA). The amount of carbon black and graphite introduced in the silicon nitride matrix increased the porosity and decreased the hardness and bending strength of composites. Lower modulus, and lower strength was obtained for composites with carbon black addition in comparison to graphite added samples. The microstructure of composites consisted mainly of alpha and beta silicon nitride. The formation of silicon carbide was observed only at 10 wt% carbon black addition.

Szerző: Balázsi, C.; Shen, Z.; Kónya, Z.; Kasztovszky, Zs.; Weber, F.; Vertesy, Z.; Biro, L. P.; Kiricsi, I.; Arato, P.
Cím: Processing of carbon nanotube reinforced silicon nitride composites by spark plasma sintering
Folyóirat: Composites Science and Technology
Kötet: 65 (5) 727-733 (2005)

Keywords: carbon nanotube, mechanical-properties; ceramics; nanocomposites; activation
Abstract: A novel sintering method, spark plasma sintering has been applied to develop carbon nanotube reinforced silicon nitride composites. For sake of comparison hot isostatic pressing has been also used for composite processing. Optimization of the elaboration processes has been conducted to preserve the carbon nanotubes in composites and to avoid damaging during high temperature processing. A suitable bonding between carbon nanotube and silicon nitride have been also monitored. Nearly full compacted composites with superior mechanical properties have been obtained in the case of novel sintering method, whereas the conventional sintering resulted in porous samples.

Szerző: Bandyopadhyay, D.; Warr, N.; Fransen, C.; Boukharouba, N.; Werner, V.; Yates, S. W.; Weil, J. L.; McEllistrem, M. T.
Cím: Three-phonon excitations in Sn-124
Folyóirat: Nuclear Physics A
Kötet: 747 (2-4) 206-226 (2005)

Keywords: even sn nuclei; inelastic neutron-scattering; shell-model; states; Cd-114
Abstract: The low-lying levels of Sn-124 have been explored using the (n, n'y) reaction to identify multiphonon quadrupole excitations. Yields of gamma rays as a function of incident neutron energy, gamma-gamma coincidences, and gamma-ray angular distributions have been measured. From the excitation functions and coincidence measurements, the level and decay schemes were determined with good confidence in the gamma-ray placements. The angular distributions provide multipolarity information on the decay gamma rays which lead to spin assignments for levels and also enable the determination of lifetimes or lifetime limits from Doppler shifts. A close-lying triplet of levels, representing the two-phonon multiplet, occurs near an additional 4(+) level which mixes with the 4(+) two-phonon excitation. A three-phonon quintet of levels has been found, including one new level, which decays almost exclusively to the two-phonon triplet. No other levels in the three-phonon energy region decay other than weakly to the two-phonon excitations; only one other level has observable decays to the two-phonon triplet.

Szerző: Belgya, T.
Cím: Spline and polynomial models of the efficiency function for Ge gamma-ray detectors in a wide energy range
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 175-179 (2005)

Keywords: Hypermet-PC
Abstract: In one of our recent papers, the applicability of linear parameter functions for fitting the full-energy peak efficiency of n-type Ge gamma-ray detectors has been examined over a wide energy range of 50-8500 keV. In that paper we compared six different analytical functions and showed that higher-order polynomial functions on a log-log scale gave the best performance. However, there is a drawback to using the log-log scale when an additive function of efficiency at different energies or of the inverse efficiency has to be used in a fitting procedure. In the present study, the applicability of higher-order polynomial and spline functions to linear and inverse efficiency, but logarithmic energy scales, is examined.

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Mutti, P.; Börner, H.G.; Jentshel, M.; Molnár, G.L.
Year of Conference: 2005
Cím: Accurate wavelength measurement of high-energy gamma rays from the 35Cl(n, g) reactions
Editor: R. C. Haight, M. B. Chadwick, T. Kawano and P. Talou
Conference Name: 10th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Conference Location: September 26 - October 1, 2004, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Kiadó: AIP
Kötet: 769
Oldalszám: 1074-1077

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Révay, Zs.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Gamma-ray background at the Budapest PGAA facility
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 181-191 (2005)

Keywords: reduction
Abstract: The gamma-ray background components of the Budapest PGAA-NIPS facilities have been extensively studied. Sources and production processes for the background gamma-rays have been identified and collected in tables. The data obtained here may help to identify background components at other PGAA or slow neutron capture facilities, and can be useful at any facility where neutrons are present and produce background gamma-radiation.

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.; Révay, Zs.; Weil, J.
Year: 2005
Cím: Determination of thermal neutron capture cross sections using cold neutron beams
Editor: R. C. Haight, M. B. Chadwick, T. Kawano and P. Talou
Conference Name: 10th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Conference Location: September 26 - October 1, 2004, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Kiadó: AIP
Kötet: 769
Oldalszám: 744-747
Dátum: 2005

Szerző: Belgya, T.
Year 2005
Cím: New method for the determination of accurate gamma-ray intensities for the 14N(n,g )15N high energy standard
Editor: Aprahamian, A.
Conference Name: 12nd international Conference on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics
Conference Location: September 4-9, 2005 University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Kiadó: AIP
Oldalszám: accepted
Dátum: 2005

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Révay, Zs.; Szentmiklósi, L.
Year: 2005
Cím: Determination of thermal neutron capture cross sections using cold neutron beams at the Budapest PGAA-NIPS facilities
Editor: Aprahamian, A.
Conference Name: 12nd international Conference on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics
Conference Location: September 4-9, 2005 University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Kiadó: AIP
Oldalszám: accepted
Dátum: 2005

Szerző: Blaauw, M.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Neutron self-shielding correction for prompt gamma neutron activation analysis of large samples
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 257-259 (2005)

Keywords: scattering; accuracy
Abstract: Facilities and methods for INAA of large samples (up to 30 kg) have been developed and successfully tested at IRI, Delft. The methods encompass corrections for neutron self shielding in an isotropic neutron field and gamma self-absorption. The sample's neutron absorption and scattering characteristics are determined by monitoring the neutron fluence rate around the sample and comparing the neutron densities measured with unperturbed fluence rates. We report on the possibility of developing similar methods for PGNAA. Relative self-shielding factors were measured as well as obtained from Monte Carlo computations. The agreement is good except for the most extreme case, with respect to absorption, attempted (CCl4).

Szerző: Bohus, L. S.; de Antczak, M. M. M.; Greaves, E. D.; Antczak, A.; Bermudez, J.; Kasztovszky, Z.; Poirier, T.; Simonits, A.
Cím: Incipient archaeometry in Venezuela: Provenance study of pre-Hispanic pottery figurines
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 247-256 (2005)

Keywords: x-ray-fluorescence; hypermet-pc; paintings; pigments; ceramics
Abstract: Application of different analytical techniques contributed with new results to the interpretation and the provenance study of Venezuelan figurines dating from the 12th and 15th centuries. Elements in bulk samples, powdered samples of figurines and soil were determined using total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF), instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA). Results and ceramics macroscopic observations indicate that average elemental composition of the figurines from the mainland significantly differ from those encountered on the Caribbean islands. The multidisciplinary experience de facto formed a group dedicated to archaeometry and provided data for provenance study of pre-Hispanic pottery figurines.

Szerző: Borella, A.; Moens, A.; Schillebeeckx, P.; Van Bijlen, R.; Molnar, G. L.; Belgya, T.; Révay, Zs.; Szentmiklósi, L.
Cím: Determination of the Bi-209(n,gamma) capture cross section at a cold neutron beam
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 267-271 (2005)

Keywords: spectrometer; Budapest; facility; PGAA
Abstract: The total capture cross section of Bi-209 was determined at the cold neutron beam PGAA-NIPS facilities at the Budapest Neutron Centre. The measurements were performed using a coaxial HPGe detector with Compton suppression. The total and partial gamma-ray production cross sections were deduced relative to the N-14(n,gamma) partial gamma-ray production cross section. By using a bismuth nitrate stoichiometric compound as the sample, we excluded various systematic uncertainties. The total capture cross section is in very good agreement with the compilation of MUGHAGHAB, but is slightly lower than the most recent value determined at the high flux reactor of the ILL in Grenoble, France. We also performed measurements using a 0.5 mm thin Bi metal disc. The relative intensities determined from the Bi disc and the compound samples are in good agreement.

Szerző: Borella, A.; Schillebeeckx, P.; Molnár, G. L.; Belgya, T.; Révay, Zs.; Szentmiklosi, L.; Berthoumieux, E.; Gunsing, X.; Letourneau, A.; Marie, F.
Year: 2005
Cím: The 209Bi(nth, g)210Bi and 209Bi(nth, g)210m,gBi Cross Sections Determined At The Budapest Neutron Centre
Editor: R. C. Haight, M. B. Chadwick, T. Kawano and P. Talou
Conference Name: 10th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, September 26 - October 1, 2004
Conference Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Kiadó: AIP
Kötet: 769
Oldalszám: 648-651

Szerző: Firestone, R. B.; English, G. A.; Reijonen, J.; Leung, K. N.; Perry, D. L.; Garabedian, G.; Bandong, B.; Revay, Z.; Molnar, G. L.
Cím: Analysis of fissile materials by high-energy neutron-induced fission decay gamma-rays
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 241-245 (2005)

Keywords: spectrum catalog; PGAA
Abstract: Thermal neutrons from the Budapest Research Reactor and fast neutrons from the Berkeley Neutron Generator Facility have been used to analyze uranium. It has been shown that both prompt and delayed gamma-rays from neutron capture and fission product decay can be used to analyze uranium concentrations and U-235 enrichment. Detection of neutrons from the spontaneous fission of U-238 has also been demonstrated for uranium analysis. The observation of high-energy gamma-rays following the decay of short-lived fission products is a sensitive indication of fissile material, and the ratio of fission product gamma-ray intensities can uniquely determine the concentrations of fission isotopes.

Szerző: Firestone, R. B.; Kritcka, M.; McNabb, D. P.; Sleaford, B.W.; Agvaanluvsan, U.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.
Year: 2005
Cím: Thermal neutron capture cross section of the palladium isotopes
Editor: Aprahamian, A.
Conference Name: 12nd international Conference on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics
Conference Location: September 4-9, 2005 University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Kiadó: API

Szerző: Firestone, R. B.; Molnár, G. L.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.; McNabb, D. P.; Sleaford, B.W.
Year: 2005
Cím: The Evaluated Gamma-ray Activation File (EGAF)
Editor: R. C. Haight, M. B. Chadwick, T. Kawano and P. Talou
Conference Name: 10th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
Conference Location: September 26 - October 1, 2004, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Kiadó: API
Kötet: 769
Oldalszám: 219-224

Szerző: Gméling, K.; Harangi, S.; Kasztovszky, Zs.
Cím: Boron and chlorine concentration of volcanic rocks: An application of prompt gamma activation analysis
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 201-212 (2005)

Keywords: carpathian-pannonian region; altered oceanic-crust; b-be systematics; isotopic composition; subduction-zone; trace-elements; mantle wedge; metamorphic rocks; catalina schist; arc lavas

Abstract: Boron and chlorine concentrations in geological standards and in representative volcanic rock samples were determined by prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA). The results of the GSJ standard measurements proved the high precision of PGAA in measuring the boron, chlorine, other trace elements (Sc, Nd, Sm, and Gd) and the major element contents of the samples. The rock samples originate from the western part of the Northern-Pannonian Volcanic Field (NPVF), which includes the Central Slovakian Volcanic Field (CSVF), the Borzsony and the Visegrad Mts. (VMt.). The oldest 16-13.5 Ma samples as the first products of the Miocene calc-alkaline volcanism are the most enriched in B (11-29 mu g/g), whereas the primitive basaltic andesites (from CSVF), the latest products (9 Ma) of the volcanic activity have lower B content (8-9 mu g/g). The measured B concentrations correlate positively with fluid-mobile elements, and the trace element pattern of the samples show subduction related signatures. The chlorine content of the investigated samples shows wide variation between 42.62 and 1148.45 mu g/g. The 9 Ma samples from the CSVF show Cl contents between 150-160 mu g/g. In agreement with the latest geodynamic models of the Neogene calc-alkaline volcanism(1,2) in the NPVF during the shallow, prograding subduction, the fluid-mobile elements metasomatized the mantle wedge. Thus the oldest volcanic rocks have relatively higher B (>11 mu g/g) and high but variable Cl contents. As the subduction waned and extension proceeded, the magma generation region changed to a not thoroughly metasomatized mantle by the former subduction event, resulting in lower B, low and stable Cl content of the younger (9 Ma) volcanic rocks.

Szerző: Gméling, K.; Harangi, Sz.; Kasztovszky, Zs.
Cím: Mit üzen a bór a vulkáni hegyek keletkezéséről?
Folyóirat: Élet és Tudomány
(9) 266-268 (2005)

Szerző: Gméling, K.
Cím: "Hanyatló" Apostolok
Folyóirat: Élet és Tudomány
(31) 963 (2005)

Szerző: Hammer, J. W.; Fey, M.; Kunz, R.; Kiener, J.; Tatischeff, V.; Haas, F.; Weil, J. L.; Assuncao, M.; Beck, C.; Boukari-Pelissie, C.; Coc, A.; Correia, J. J.; Courtin, S.; Fleurot, F.; Galanopoulos, E.; Grama, C.; Hammache, F.; Harissopulos, S.; Korichi, A.; Krmpotic, E.; Le Du, D.; Lopez-Martens, A.; Malcherek, D.; Meunier, R.; Papka, P.; Paradellis, T.; Rousseau, M.; Rowley, N.; Staudt, G.; Szilner, S.
Cím: E1 and E2 capture cross section and astrophysical reaction rate of the key reaction C-12(alpha,gamma)O-16
Folyóirat: Nuclear Physics A
Kötet: 758 363C-366C (2005)

Keywords: massive stars; nucleosynthesis; nuclear

Szerző: Hammer, J. W.; Fey, M.; Kunz, R.; Kiener, J.; Tatischeff, V.; Haas, F.; Weil, J. L.; Assuncao, M.; Beck, C.; Boukari-Pelissie, C.; Coc, A.; Correia, J. J.; Courtin, S.; Fleurot, F.; Galanopoulos, E.; Grama, C.; Hammache, F.; Harissopulos, S.; Korichi, A.; Krmpotic, E.; Le Du, D.; Lopez-Martens, A.; Malcherek, D.; Meunier, R.; Papka, P.; Paradellis, T.; Rousseau, M.; Rowley, N.; Staudt, G.; Szilner, S.
Cím: New determination of the C-12(alpha, gamma)O-16 reaction rate from gamma-ray angular distribution measurements
Folyóirat: Nuclear Physics A
Kötet: 752 514C-521C (2005)

Keywords: C-12(alpha,gamma)O-16 cross-section; thermonuclear reaction-rates; delayed alpha-spectrum; massive stars; low energies; nucleosynthesis; constraints; nuclear; N-16

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Panczyk, E.; Fedorowicz, W.; Révay, Zs.; Sartowska, B.
Cím: Comparative archaeometrical study of Roman silver coins by prompt gamma activation analysis and SEM-EDX
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 193-199 (2005)

Keywords: PGAA
Abstract: A selected set of 115 Roman silver denarii, minted during the period 119 A. D. to 194 A. D. have been examined in order to determine their silver and copper contents. All these denarii have been found at Romanow near Krasnystaw in Poland. The total excavated hoard contained 700 denarii from the period 112 A.D. to 195 A.D. Since the Roman currency in principle was based on pure silver, chemical analyses of a representative collection enables the archaeologists to follow the debasement of the coinage, and to assess the course of inflation. Prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) and comparative energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (SEM-EDX) as non-destructive methods were chosen to study a large number of samples. Contrary to the shallow penetrating SEM-EDX, PGAA is an ideal method for non-destructive determination of bulk composition. The Cu/Ag mass ratios were determined for the detection of debasement and ancient counterfeiting of coins.

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Kunicki-Goldfinger, J. J.; Dzierżanowski, P.; Nawrolska, G.; Wawrzyniak, P.
Cím: Történelmi üvegek roncsolásmentes vizsgálata prompt gamma aktivációs analízissel és elektron-mikroszondával
Folyóirat: Archeometriai Műhely
Kötet: 2 (1) 48-56 (2005)

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Révay, Zs.; Molnár, G. L.
Year: 2005
Cím: Archaeometry Research at the Budapest Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis Laboratory
Editor: Fernandez, J. E.; Maino, G.; Tartari, A.
Book Cím: Radiation Physics for Preservation of the Cultural Heritage
City: Bologna
Kiadó: CLUEB
Oldalszám: 251-264

Szerző: Kudejova, P.; Materna, T.; Jolie, J.; Turler, A.; Wilk, P.; Baechler, S.; Kasztovszky, Zs.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.
Cím: On the construction of a new instrument for cold-neutron prompt gamma-ray activation analysis at the FRM-II
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 221-227 (2005)

Keywords: k(0) standardization; facility; tomography; PGAA
Abstract: A new flexible prompt gamma-ray activation analysis (PGAA) station will be installed and operated at the FRM-II reactor in Garching at the beginning of the year 2006. The PGAA station has been moved from the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Villigen, Switzerland and is now being re-designed for three different experimental applications: PGAA instrument, cold neutron tomography setup and a compact Ge-array. Simulations of the beam guide have been carried out in order to yield the best conditions for each of the instruments, and are discussed here. A number of the PGAA applications are listed here. A new project dealing with a systematic measurement of bulky composition of small amount of meteorites (similar to 100 mg) is proposed. Results of a test measurement of the Dhurmasala meteorite composition at the PGAA station at the Budapest Research Reactor are presented. Expected parameters of the PGAA facility at FRM-II are compared both with those at PSI and with the Budapest facility.

Szerző: Marschall, H. R.; Kasztovszky, Z.; Gméling, K.; Altherr, R.
Cím: Chemical analysis of high-pressure metamorphic rocks by PGNAA: Comparison with results from XRF and solution ICP-MS
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 339-348 (2005)

Keywords: complete miscibility; upper-mantle; subduction; systematics; fluids; boron; arc; chlorine; garnet; zones
Abstract: High-pressure metamorphic rocks showing a large range of chemical compositions were analyzed by PGNAA, XRF and solution ICP-MS for major components and a variety of trace elements. The large data set allowed a comparison of results from PGNAA to the established methods and revealed good agreement for most major elements and for Sc and Gd. For V, Cr, Co and Ni, PGNAA data are satisfactory only at high concentration levels. B, Cl and H were analyzed by PGNAA with very good precision, even at low concentrations.

Szerző: Perry, D. L.; English, G. A.; Firestone, R. B.; Molnar, G. L.; Révay, Zs.
Cím: Determination of contaminants in rare earth materials by prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA)
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 229-233 (2005)

Keywords: resonance energy-transfer; fluorescence; samples; ions
Abstract: Prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) has been used to detect and quantify impurities in the analyses of rare earth (RE) oxides. The analytical results are discussed with respect to the importance of having a thorough identification and understanding of contaminant elements in these compounds regarding the function of the materials in their various applications. Also, the importance of using PGAA to analyze materials in support of other physico-chemical studies of the materials is discussed, including the study of extremely low concentrations of ions - such as the rare earth ions themselves - in bulk material matrices.

Szerző: Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: New prompt k(0) and partial cross section values measured in the cold neutron beam of Budapest Research Reactor
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 169-173 (2005)

Keywords: gamma-ray spectra; activation-analysis; Hypermet-pc; automatic-analysis; standardization; facility; JAERI; PGAA
Abstract: A complete series of measurements have been performed in the thermal neutron beam at the Budapest Research Reactor to determine the prompt k(0) factors for every stable element. After the installation of the cold neutron source, the flux of the beam increased by more than an order of magnitude, which made possible to determine the k(0) and cross-section values having low cross-sections with a better accuracy. The paper presents the new data for the first set of low-cross-section elements and they are compared to the best literature data.

Szerző: Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Application of Hypermet-PC in PGAA
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 261-265 (2005)

Keywords: gamma-ray spectra; automatic-analysis; detectors
Abstract: Hypermet-PC has been developed in the mid-nineties at the Institute of Isotopes and Surface Chemistry based on a successful FORTRAN code from the seventies. With additional calibration routines and other helping features it has proved to be a very useful tool in quantitative analysis performed either with NAA or with PGAA. The sophisticated built-in peak-shape function allows the fitting of asymmetric peaks from large-Kötet germanium detectors over a very wide energy range needed for PGAA. The experience collected when evaluating several thousands gamma-spectra acquired for routine analysis and spectroscopic research, is summarized in the paper.

Szerző: Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.; Szentmiklósi, L.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Prompt gamma activation analysis using a chopped neutron beam
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 264 (2) 277-281 (2005)

Abstract: A beam chopper has been developed at the cold neutron PGAA facility of the Budapest Research Reactor. In the open phase of the chopper the usual prompt gamma-spectrum is recorded, while in the decay phase short-lived decay lines can be collected with good counting statistics on an extremely low baseline. A series of elements has been measured with the chopped beam technique to assess the capabilities of the new technique. An archaeological sample was also examined, to demonstrate how spectral interferences can be resolved.

Szerző: Révay, Zs.
Cím: Characterization of the wavelength spectrum of guided neutron beams
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 264 (2) 283-287 (2005)

Abstract: A simple method is introduced for the determination of the effective temperature of neutron beams. It is mathematically derived that the thermal equivalent neutron flux measured with a thin foil made from a 1/nu-nuclide is proportional to the product of the real flux and the average wavelength. The real flux can be determined using fully absorbent materials. From the ratio of the two fluxes the average wavelength and the effective temperature can be determined. The method has been tested in thermal and cold neutron beams.

Szerző: Siem, S.; Guttormsen, M.; Algin, E.; Agvaanluvsan, U.; Belgya, T.; Chankova, R.; Mitchell, G.; Bernstein, L. A.; Rekstad, J.; Schiller, A.; Sunde, A. C.; Syed, N.; Voinov, A.
Cím: Soft resonances in hot nuclei
Folyóirat: Acta Physica Polonica B
Kötet: 36 (4) 1089-1093 (2005)

Abstract: The pygmy resonance at 3.3(1) MeV in Yb-172 has now been established with a strength of B(M1) = 6.5(15)mu(N)(2) and M1 multipolarity. In addition, a strong unexpected enhancement of the radiative strength function has been found at low gamma-ray energy in medium light Fe nuclei and also in the heavier Mo nuclei.

Szerző: Siem, S.; Agvaanluvsan, U.; Algin, E.; Belgya, T.; Bernstein, L. A.; Chankova, R.; Guttormsen, M.; Ingebretsen, F.; Lönnroth, T.; Messelt, S.; Mitchell, G. E.; Rekstad, J.; Schiller, A.; Sunde, A. C.; Syed, N. U. H.; Voinov, A.; Odegard, S.
Year of Conference: 2005
Cím: Entropy In Hot Nuclei
Editor: Khoo, D. Seweryniak and T. L.
Conference Name: Nuclei at the Limits
Conference Location: Argonne, Illinois (USA), 26-30 July 2004
Kiadó: AIP
Kötet: 764
Oldalszám: 315-320

Szerző: Szentmiklósi, L.; Révay, Zs.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Three-dimensional data processing for time resolved gamma-ray spectrometry
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 265 (2) 213-219 (2005)

Abstract: A new acquisition and evaluation procedure has been introduced for the measurement of time-dependent processes in gamma-ray spectrometry, in order to extract more information, including half-lives, from the data recorded during acquisition and to enable a more comprehensive analysis of the results. These advanced, off-line data evaluation techniques improve the selectivity and the background subtraction and make it possible to estimate the important analytical parameters (e.g., half-lives) more accurately than with the usual decay curve fitting method.

Szerző: Szentmiklósi, L.; Belgya, T.; Révay, Zs.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Digital signal processing in prompt-gamma activation analysis
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 264 (1) 229-234 (2005)

Keywords: nuclear spectroscopy; real-time; ray
Abstract: Tests of three different digital spectrum analyzers have been performed at the prompt-gamma activation analysis (PGAA) facility of the Budapest Research Reactor to characterize their applicability in PGAA. In a series of measurements with radioactive and (n,g) sources we focused on the special demands, of broad energy range. Peak widths have been studied at different energies and gains, the time stability and the noise sensitivity have also been examined. The results have been compared to the performance of the analog system routinely used in our analysis.

Szerző: Trkov, A.; Molnar, G. L.; Révay, Zs.; Mughabghab, S. F.; Firestone, R. B.; Pronyaev, V. G.; Nichols, A. L.; Moxon, M. C.
Cím: Revisiting the U-238 thermal capture cross section and gamma-ray emission probabilities from Np-239 decay
Folyóirat: Nuclear Science and Engineering
Kötet: 150 (3) 336-348 (2005)

Keywords: neutron-activation analysis; standardization; uranium; Am-243
Abstract: The precise value of the thermal capture cross section of 238 U is uncertain, and evaluated cross sections from various sources differ by more than their assigned uncertainties. A number of the original publications have been reviewed to assess the discrepant data, corrections were made for more recent standard cross sections and other constants, and one new measurement was analyzed. Because of the strong correlations in activation measurements, the gamma-ray emission probabilities from the, beta(-) decay of Np-239 were also analyzed. As a result of the analysis, a value of 2.683 +/- 0.012 b was derived for the thermal capture cross section of U-238. A new evaluation of the gamma-ray emission probabilities from Np-239 decay was also undertaken.

Szerző: Voinov, A.; Grimes, S. M.; Agvaanluvsan, U.; Algin, E.; Belgya, T.; Brune, C. R.; Guttormsen, M.; Hornish, M. J.; Massey, T. N.; Mitchell, G. E.; Rekstad, J.; Schiller, A.; Siem, S.
Year: 2005
Cím: Level densities of iron isotopes and lower-energy enhancement of gamma-strength function
Editor: Andreas Woehr, Ani Aprahamian
Conference Name: 12nd international Conference on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics
Conference Location: September 4-9, 2005 University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
Kiadó: AIP Melville, New York
Kötet: 819
Oldalszám: 545-547
Dátum: 2005 Oct 1
Azonosító szám: ISI:000224211900018
Abstract: Radiative strength functions (RSFs) for the Fe-56,Fe-57 nuclei below the separation energy are obtained from the Fe-57(He-3,alphagamma)Fe-56 and Fe-57(He-3,He-3'gamma)Fe-57 reactions, respectively. An enhancement of more than a factor of 10 over common theoretical models of the soft (E(gamma)less than or similar to2 MeV) RSF for transitions in the quasicontinuum (several MeV above the yrast line) is observed. Two-step cascade intensities with soft primary transitions from the Fe-56(n,2gamma)Fe-57 reaction confirm the enhancement.



Szerző: Balazsi, C.; Cinar, F. S.; Kasztovszky, Z.; Cura, M. E.; Yesilcubuk, A.; Weber, F.
Cím: Investigation of hot pressed C/Si3N4 nanocomposites
Folyóirat: Silicates Industriels
Kötet: 69 (7-8) 293-298 (2004)
Keywords: nanocomposite; C/Si3N4; SiC/Si3N4; porosity; PGAA, silicon-nitride ceramics; mechanical-properties; fabrication; carbon

Abstract: Silicon nitride based nanocomposites have been fabricated by carbon addition. For composite processing hot pressing has been applied. A low (2 MPa) and a high (40 MPa) uniaxial pressure have been used. The carbon content and SUN mass fraction after sintering were determined by prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA). The amount of carbon black introduced in the silicon nitride matrix increased the porosity and decreased the hardness of composites. The microstructure of fully dense and porous samples consisted mainly of alpha and beta silicon nitride grains. Inclusions of silicon carbide have been formed by applying a low uniaxial pressure. The silicon carbide phase was not detected at higher pressure.

Szerző: Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.; Kasztovszky, Zs.; Weil, J. L.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Cold neutron PGAA facility at Budapest
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B- Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Kötet: 213 385-388 (2004)

Keywords: prompt gamma activation analysis; cold neutron beam; beam chopper, gamma-ray spectrum catalog
Abstract: The new cold neutron prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) facility provides improved capabilities for routine prompt gamma analysis and for the investigation of radiative neutron capture. The versatile beam chopper makes possible time-of- flight measurements and the acquisition of prompt and decay spectra simultaneously. The chopped beam PGAA technique combines the advantages of the in-beam measurement and the greater simplicity of decay gamma spectra.

Szerző: Perry, D. L.; English, G. A.; Firestone, R. B.; Leung, K. N.; Reijönen, J.; Ludewigt, B.; Garabedian, G.; Molnár, G. L.; Révay, Zs.
Cím: The use of prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) for the analyses and characterization of materials: Photochromic materials
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B- Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Kötet: 213 527-529 (2004)

Keywords: neutron; gamma; spectroscopy; analysis; dopant; photochromic
Abstract: Neutron-induced prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) has been used to analyze model photochromic host materials that contain low concentrations of elemental dopants. Analyses are also presented for typical low concentration compounds used as dopants in inorganic photochromic materials. Elemental analytical results are given and discussed, along with sensitivity values for the appropriate elements. The significance of several of the trace metals ions found to be present in the materials is discussed.

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Non-destructive interrogation of uranium using PGAA
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B- Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Kötet: 213 389-393 (2004)

Keywords: prompt gamma activation analysis; cold neutron beam; beam chopper; nuclear material; gamma-ray spectrum catalog; spectrometric determination; activation-analysis
Abstract: Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis is proposed as an instant, non-destructive method for the assay of uranium and also for the determination of U-235-enrichment. Measurements were performed in the thermal and the cold neutron beams at the Budapest Research Reactor. A beam chopper was used to collect the delayed decay gamma radiation from short-lived nuclides separately. Partial gamma ray production cross-sections have been determined for a set of capture prompt, fission prompt and decay gamma lines and compared to those from the literature. The proposed method is also compared to NAA and the passive gamma spectroscopy of natural uranium.

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Accurate absolute intensities for the Cl-31(n,gamma) reaction gamma-ray standard
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B- Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Kötet: 213 32-35 (2004)

Keywords: neutron capture; gamma-rays; absolute intensity; chlorine 35;chlorine 36; germanium detector; efficiency; calibration
standard thermal-neutron capture; efficiency calibration; facility; energies
Abstract: The absolute intensities of 36 gamma-rays in the energy range of 292-8579 keV from neutron capture in chlorine were remeasured at the Budapest cold neutron prompt gamma activation analysis facility. The 1% level of accuracy of the nitrogen standard was practically achieved for the relative intensity of most of the Cl-36 gamma-rays, thus making chlorine a useful Másodlagos standard for efficiency calibration of germanium detectors.

Szerző: English, G. A.; Firestone, R. B.; Perry, D. L.; Reijönen, J.; Ludewigt, B.; Leung, K. N.; Garabedian, G.; Molnár, G.; Révay, Zs.
Cím: The characterization of legacy radioactive materials by gamma spectroscopy and prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA)
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B- Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Kötet: 213 410-413 (2004)

Keywords: neutron; gamma; spectroscopy; analysis; radioactive; chemical
Abstract: To characterize legacy radioactive materials, it is necessary to determine both the radioactive and, in the case of carrier- based materials, the stable, non-radioactive chemical constituents. Reputable process knowledge may afford some insight but, absent such information, gamma spectroscopy and (non-destructive) prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) cover essentially all of the analytical needs, with the former addressing most radionuclides with the exception of the pure beta(-)-emitters and the latter addressing the stable chemical constituents. This paper integrates both methods into a general analytical protocol based upon radioanalytical work performed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and PGAA work performed collaboratively by the various groups. A new LBNL- developed neutron generator is also discussed.

Szerző: Ember, P. P.; Belgya, T.; Weil, J. L.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: A practical test of a gamma-gamma coincidence measurement setup for PGAA
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B- Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Kötet: 213 406-409 (2004)

Keywords: (n; gamma); E-n = cold; prompt gamma activation analysis; coincidence; spectral interference
Abstract: A second cold-neutron beam experimental station has been built as part of the renewal of our prompt gamma activation analysis facility at the Budapest Research Reactor. This new station has been instrumented for neutroninduced prompt gamma-ray spectroscopy, involving gamma-gamma coincidence measurements. The gamma-gamma coincidence arrangement is introduced briefly, and its usage is illustrated with a practical example of the inactive tracer method for samples from glass furnace.

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Accurate relative gamma-ray intensities from neutron capture on natural chromium
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B- Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Kötet: 213 29-31 (2004)

Keywords: cold neutron beam; (n;gamma) reactions; efficiency; calibration standard; HPGe detector; Compton suppression; natural chromium target
Abstract: Relative gamma-ray intensities from cold neutron capture on the natural chromium have been determined with high precision. The data presented here have an order of magnitude smaller intensity uncertainty than data in the literature. The purpose of these experiments is to provide an alternative gamma-ray intensity standard for detector calibrations in PGAA experiments.

Szerző: Gmeling, K.; Harangi, S.; Kasztovszky, Z.
Cím: Boron concentration in Neogene calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region: Inferences for contrasting genesis of the magmas
Folyóirat: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta
Kötet: 68 (11) A55-A55 (2004)

Szerző: Marschall, H. R.; Altherr, R.; Gmeling, K.; Kasztovszky, Zs.
Cím: Trace element systematics of high-pressure metamorphic rocks from Syros (Greece)
Folyóirat: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta
Kötet: 68 (11) A42-A42 (2004)

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Accurate relative gamma-ray intensities from neutron capture on natural chromium
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B- Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Kötet: 213 29-31 (2004)

Keywords: cold neutron beam; (n;gamma) reactions; efficiency; calibration standard; HPGe detector; Compton suppression; natural chromium target
Abstract: Relative gamma-ray intensities from cold neutron capture on the natural chromium have been determined with high precision. The data presented here have an order of magnitude smaller intensity uncertainty than data in the literature. The purpose of these experiments is to provide an alternative gamma-ray intensity standard for detector calibrations in PGAA experiments.


Szerző: Kasztovszky, Z.; de Antczak, M. M.; Antczak, A.; Milian, B.; Bermudez, J.; Sajo-Bohus, L.
Cím: Provenance study of Amerindian pottery figurines with prompt gamma activation analysis
Folyóirat: Nukleonika
Kötet: 49 (3) 107-113 (2004)

Keywords: pre-Hispanic culture; pottery; non-destructive analysis; PGAA, metals; pgaa

Abstract: A Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) facility has been in operation at the Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) since 1996. Nonetheless that PGAA is a relatively new method, its applicability to archeological research has already been established by several studies. Archaeologists of the Simon Bolivar University initiated a research project aimed to perform a provenance study of pre-Hispanic pottery figurines. Forty samples were selected from two archaeological sites excavated in the Los Roques Archipelago. Almost five hundred figurines have been recovered altogether in four sites of the Archipelago. Amerindian groups from the adjacent Venezuela mainland were identified as island sites' occupants, between A.D. 1200 and the European contact period. Forty fragments of figurines were investigated by PGAA, the concentrations of major- and some trace components being determined. Among others, K2O, Cl and Cr were found to be the most significant indicators of the samples originated from the Lake Valencia Basin (mainland) and from Los Roques Islands. By relating the island figurines to their stylistical and chemical counterparts from the mainland we will provide chronological information on hundreds of mainland figurines.


Szerző: Molnar, G. L.; Revay, Z.; Szentmiklosi, L.
Cím: New perspectives for very short-lived neutron activation analysis
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 262 (1) 157-163 (2004)

Keywords: beams; cold

Abstract: Recent attempts to improve the performance of very short-lived neutron activation analysis are reviewed. It is shown that the combination of an intense cold neutron beam from a research reactor with a beam chopper offers higher signal-to-background ratio, more accurate timing and much simpler sample handling than conventional cyclic activation analysis. Application of a digital spectrum analyzer in data list mode allows for easy determination of the half-life. Hence, time-resolved activation analysis utilizing energy and time information becomes practical.


Szerző:  Reijonen, J.; Leung, K. N.; Firestone, R. B.; English, J. A.; Perry, D. L.; Smith, A.; Gicquel, F.; Sun, M.; Koivunoro, H.; Lou, T. P.; Bandong, B.; Garabedian, G.; Revay, Z.; Szentmiklosi, L.; Molnar, G.
Cím: First PGAA and NAA experimental results from a compact high intensity D-D neutron generator
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A
Kötet: 522 (3) 598-602 (2004)

Keywords: neutron generator; D-D fusion reaction; neutron activation analysis; prompt gamma activation analysis; neutron facility

Abstract: High neutron output D-D neutron generators have been developed in the Plasma and Ion Source Technology Group in LBNL. A new facility has been build to enable testing and running these powerful generators. The co-axial neutron generator and the shielding/moderator structure are described in this presentation. Also presented are the first PGAA (Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis) and NAA (Neutron Activation Analysis) results measured in this neutron facility.

Szerző:  Szakmany, G.; Kasztovszky, Z.
Cím: Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis, a new method in the archaeological study of polished stone tools and their raw materials
Folyóirat: European Folyóirat of Mineralogy
Kötet: 16 (2) 285-295 (2004)
Keywords: greenschist; blueschist; polished stone tools; non-destructive analysis; PGAA; archaeology, pgaa; facility; budapest

Abstract: Metabasic rocks, particularly greenschists, were very popular raw materials for making polished stone tools by prehistoric man in the Carpathian Basin. The major and trace element compositions of these objects are very helpful in determining the place of origin of the rocks. On the other hand, destruction of the complete object is usually not allowed during the analysis. In this paper we show an application of Prompt Gamma Activation Analyses (PGAA), a relatively new, non-destructive method for investigation of Neolithic stone tools. Twenty-four samples (in the form of greenschist and blueschist polished stone tools from Hungarian Neolithic collections and also greenschists and blueschist from outcrops) were investigated. The aim of this work was to establish a method for distinguishing the different types of greenschists occurring in the Carpathian Basin. PGAA gives reliable data for major and some trace elements of geochemical interest. According to our results, it is possible to distinguish blueschist from macroscopically similar greenschist polished stone tools by PGAA. Three macroscopically different types of greenschist samples form only two groups according to chemical composition, which implies only two different sources of greenschist raw material. We were able to identify one of them as rock from the outcrop of Felsocsatar (Penninic Unit of the Alps in western Hungary). The second source is not yet determined; it requires the study of samples from more outcrops. The investigation of ancient stone tools is only one example of the applicability of PGAA. The advantages of this method can also be exploited in other geochemical research areas.

Szerző: Voinov, A.; Algin, E.; Agvaanluvsan, U.; Belgya, T.; Chankova, R.; Guttormsen, M.; Mitchell, G. E.; Rekstad, J.; Schiller, A.; Siem, S.
Cím: Large enhancement of radiative strength for soft transitions in the quasicontinuum
Folyóirat: Physical Review Letters
Kötet: 93 (14) (2004)
Keywords: level density; cascades; spectra; nuclei

Abstract: Radiative strength functions (RSFs) for the Fe-56,Fe-57 nuclei below the separation energy are obtained from the Fe-57(He-3,alphagamma)Fe-56 and Fe-57(He-3,He-3'gamma)Fe-57 reactions, respectively. An enhancement of more than a factor of 10 over common theoretical models of the soft (E(gamma)less than or similar to2 MeV) RSF for transitions in the quasicontinuum (several MeV above the yrast line) is observed. Two-step cascade intensities with soft primary transitions from the Fe-56(n,2gamma)Fe-57 reaction confirm the enhancement.


Szerző: Sárkány, A.; Révay, Zs.
Cím: Some features of acetylene and 1,3-butadiene hydrogenation on Ag/SiO2 and Ag/TiO2 catalysts
Folyóirat: Applied Catalysis A-General
Kötet: 243 (2) 347-355 (2003)

Keywords: catalysis by silver; hydrogenation on Ag; 1;3-butadiene; acetylene; competitive hydrogenation silver catalysts; competitive hydrogenation; selective hydrogenation; pd; palladium; copper; gold; adsorption; butadiene; metals
Abstract: Hydrogenation of ethylene, propene (Pr), 1-butene (1B), acetylene and 1,3-butadiene (BD) was investigated over 1.74 wt.% Ag/SiO2 and 0.67 wt.% Ag/TiO2 catalysts in temperature range between 333 and 423 K. The catalysts were prepared by wetting SiO2 with aqueous solution of AgNO3 and by adsorption of silver ions on TiO2. After O-2 and H-2 treatments the catalysts hydrogenated ethene from about 313-323 K in a pulse microreactor system. Hydrogenation of acetylene, propene, 1,3- butadiene and 1-butene was tested in a recirculation batch reactor at 323-383 K. Acetylene hydrogenation gave mainly ethene accompanied with only limited formation of oligomers (C4+). Hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene yielded mostly 1-butene and the cis/trans ratio in the 2-butenes was observed between 2 and 5 on Ag/SiO2. In competitive hydrogenation of butadiene and propene mixtures 1,3-butadiene could not entirely suppress hydrogenation of propene.


Szerző: Sárkány, A.; Beck, A.; Horváth, A.; Révay, Zs.; Guczi, L.
Cím: Acetylene hydrogenation on sol-derived Pd/SiO2
Folyóirat: Applied Catalysis A-General
Kötet: 253 (1) 283-292 (2003)

Keywords: Pd sol; PDDA polycation; acetylene hydrogenation; competition highly unsaturated-hydrocarbons; liquid-phase hydrogenation; colloidal metal particles; pd nanoparticles; palladium nanoparticles; 1-butyne hydrogenation; catalytic behavior; rhodium catalysts; 1;3-butadiene; clusters
Abstract: Pd/SiO2 (1.08 wt.%) catalyst has been synthesised via sot- derived route using poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) polycation as ionic stabiliser. The immobilised sot (monomer/Pd2+ = 1.25) fixed at pH = 8.5 onto Aerosil 200 contains Pd particles of 3.1 nm number-mean diameter. The catalyst prepared was subjected to various treatments and the obtained samples were characterised by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), CO and O-2 chemisorption, and temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). The immobilised sot showed good thermal stability but oxidation of PDDA to get "polymer free" sample causes sintering of Pd particles. Initial activities and product selectivities for hydrogenation of acetylene in propene were recorded. The immobilised sample even in "as prepared state" possesses hydrogenation activity. Treatments at different temperatures in H-2 or Ar enhance the catalytic activity suggesting an increase in space around the metal particle. The PDDA modified sample exhibits better competition selectivity than the "polymer free" sample pointing to surface structure variations caused by geometric/steric effects.

Szerző: Révay, Zs.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Standardisation of the prompt gamma activation analysis method
Folyóirat: Radiochimica Acta
Kötet: 91 (6) 361-369 (2003)

Keywords: PGAA; thermal neutron capture; gamma rays; cold neutrons; cross section; k(0) method thermal-neutron capture; ray spectrum catalog; nondestructive analysis; nuclear-data; pgaa; reactor; metals
Abstract: A complete series of measurements was performed at the Budapest prompt gamma neutron activation analysis (PGAA) facility in order to determine the partial production cross sections of the most suitable neutron capture gamma rays for all naturally occurring elements, excluding noble gases. The values were determined directly, with internal standardisation using stoichiometric compounds and homogeneous mixtures (mainly water solutions) of known composition. A comparison with a recent measurement for 20 elements shows good agreement except for a few non-1/v cross sections. The new data are sufficiently accurate for quantitative multielement determinations in PGAA without the necessity of elemental standards.

Szerző: Révay, Zs.; Molnár, G. L.; Belgya, T.; Kasztovszky, Zs.
Cím: In-beam determination of k(0) factors for short-lived nuclides
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 257 (3) 561-564 (2003)

Keywords: activation-analysis; nuclear-data
Abstract: The prompt gamma-activation analysis (PGAA) facility at Budapest Research Reactor offers a unique possibility to perform in-beam measurements. Several k(0) factors for decay gamma-lines of short-lived nuclides have been determined accurately by means of in-beam activation. The present values compare well with literature data. New k(0) factors are proposed for Na-24m and Co-60m.

Szerző: Elekes, Z.; Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.; Kiss, A. Z.; Csatlós, M.; Gulyás, J.; Krasznahorkay, A.; Máté, Z.
Cím: Absolute full-energy peak efficiency calibration of a Clover- BGO detector system
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A- Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kötet: 503 (3) 580-588 (2003)

Keywords: gamma-ray detection; Clover; BGO; Compton-suppression; high-energy efficiency calibration; proton resonance captured; point-pair method; add-back mode; PGAA; PIGE thick target yields; gamma-ray spectra; light-elements; Ge detectors; automatic-analysis; Hypermet-PC; standard; resonance; interval; Ga-66
Abstract: An absolute full-energy peak efficiency calibration of a Clover-type composite germanium gamma-ray detector system is presented. The efficiency curve was measured in the energy range of 120 keV-12.2 MeV for the first time, using the combination of proton-capture nuclear reactions and radioactive sources, such as Co-56, Co-60, Ga-66 and Eu-152. At high energies gamma-ray pairs from proton resonance capture on Al- 27, Na-23, K-39 and B-11 were employed using evaporated Al, Na2WO4, K2SO4 and LiBO2 targets, respectively. The experimental data were fitted with a single polynomial function on log-log scale using a recently developed method. The add-back factor is found to increase quadratically with the energy, in contrast to the previously suggested linear relationship. The efficiency gain with respect to a single detector is about one order of magnitude at 10 MeV energy.


Szerző: Sándor, Z.; Tölgyesi, S.; Gresits, I.; Kasztovszky, Zs.
Cím: Determination of the alloying elements in ancient silver coins by X-ray fluorescence
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 254 (2) 283-288 (2002)

Keywords: budapest; pgaa
Abstract: Isotope excited energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) was used for the determination of the major components, silver and copper, of ancient coins. A ring shaped I-125 source was used for excitation. Various methods were developed and compared for quantitative evaluation in order to eliminate matrix effects and the effects caused by the differences in geometry. The method proposed by the Szerzős ensures determination with acceptable error using certified standard samples of alloys. The results of this method were compared with those of prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) and with data from contemporary written sources.

Szerző: Rosta, L.; Cser, L.; Révay, Zs.
Cím: Gain factors with the new supermirror guide system at the Budapest Neutron Centre
Folyóirat: Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing
Kötet: 74 S292-S294 (2002)

Abstract: In parallel with the installation of a cold-neutron source (CNS) at the 10-MW Budapest Research Reactor, the neutron-guide system has been redesigned and replaced by state of art neutron optical elements. Monte Carlo calculations have been used to determine the optimal conditions for the guide parameters. For the three cold-neutron beams nearly 100 in of new guides were installed; a great part is made of supermirrors. The new in- pile guide system and the individual shutters enable minimal losses at the starting sections. The out-of-pile part was optimized for the experimental stations. The neutron-flux measurements were compared with the simulated values. The combined effect of the CNS and the guide system yields a gain factor in the flux as high as 30-60.

Szerző: Perry, D. L.; Firestone, R. B.; Molnár, G. L.; Révay, Zs.; Kasztovszky, Zs.; Gatti, R. C.; Wilde, P.
Cím: Neutron-induced prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) of metals and non-metals in ocean floor geothermal vent-generated samples
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
Kötet: 17 (1) 32-37 (2002)

Keywords: catalog
Abstract: Neutron-induced prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) has been used to analyze ocean floor geothermal vent-generated samples that are composed of mixed metal sulfides, silicates and alumino-silicates. The modern application of the PGAA technique is discussed and elemental analytical results are given for 25 elements found in the samples. The elemental determinations in the samples are consistent with the expected mineralogical compositions, and very consistent results are obtained for comparable samples. Special sensitivity to trace quantities of hydrogen, boron, cadmium, dysprosium, gadolinium and samarium is discussed.

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Wide energy range efficiency calibration method for Ge detectors
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a- Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kötet: 489 (1-3) 140-159 (2002)

Keywords: efficiency calibration; Ge detector; multigamma source; neutron capture gamma ray; polynomial fit thermal-neutron capture; Ge(Li) detectors; Hypermet-PC; gamma-rays; relative intensities; HPGe detector; standard; Co-56; resonance; Kötet
Abstract: A new method is proposed for the relative efficiency calibration of HPGe detectors in the energy range from 50keV to 11 MeV. By simultaneously fitting all separately measured data sets from calibrated and uncalibrated multigamma sources as well as neutron capture gamma-rays with a sum of orthogonal polynomials on a log log scale, accuracies better than 0.5% between 100 and 3500 keV and better than 1% up to 6000 keV could be achieved for relative full energy peak efficiencies. Dividing the energy range and fitting piecewise with lower- order polynomials does not offer any advantage. Moreover, none of the popular non-linear empirical functions are able to fit the full range. The polynomial fit is nearly indistinguishable from a semiempirical fit. If at least one calibrated gamma-ray source is included, the method can be used for absolute efficiencies as well.

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Belgya, T.; Révay, Zs.; Qaim, S. M.
Cím: Partial and total thermal neutron capture cross sections for non-destructive assay and transmutation monitoring of Tc-99
Folyóirat: Radiochimica Acta
Kötet: 90 (8) 479-482 (2002)

Keywords: thermal neutron capture; gamma rays; cold neutrons; cross section; K-0 method; PGAA; NAA; technetium 99; technetium 100; beta decay activation
Abstract: Accurate partial gamma-ray production cross sections were determined for the prompt and radioactive product decay gamma rays following cold neutron capture in Tc-99. They can be used for non-destructive assay of technetium by prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) and neutron activation analysis (NAA), offering orders of magnitude higher analytical sensitivities than passive gamma-ray counting. A lower limit of 21.21 +/- 0.17 b was also deduced for the thermal-neutron-capture cross section.

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Révay, Z.; Molnár, G. L.; Wootsch, A.; Paál, Z.
Cím: Assay determination in supported Pt catalysts by prompt-gamma activation analysis (PGAA)
Folyóirat: Catalysis Communications
Kötet: 3 (12) 553-556 (2002)

Keywords: activation analysis; cold neutrons; platinum determination; EUROPT-1; EUROPT-3; Pt/SiO2; Pt/Al2O3 Europt-1; Budapest
Abstract: A novel non-destructive and fast method called prompt-gamma activation analysis (PGAA) was used for assay determination of supported catalyst samples containing Pt. The results were in good agreement with data published earlier for EUROPT-1 and EUROPT-3. Direct determination of hydrogen was also possible. The results after drying gave information about the hydrogen content of the catalyst present in forms different from water and/or OH groups of the support. Possible further applications are considered.

Szerző: Ember, P. P.; Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Improvement of the capabilities of PGAA by coincidence techniques
Folyóirat: Applied Radiation and Isotopes
Kötet: 56 (3) 535-541 (2002)

Keywords: (n,gamma); E-n= cold; PGAA; coincidence; spectral interference neutron-activation-analysis; spectrometry
Abstract: Applicability of the gamma-gamma regional coincidence method to prompt gamma activation analysis has been examined in a series of model experiments. It is shown that the requirement of coincidence with a spectral range instead of a single peak greatly improves the signal to background ratio. yet preserves the linear relationship between concentration and analytical signal. The method is especially suitable for trace analysis of solutions containing hydrogen, and of matrices containing boron or other strong single gamma-ray emitters.

Szerző: Ember, P. P.; Belgya, T.; Weil, J. L.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Coincidence measurement setup for PGAA and nuclear structure studies
Folyóirat: Applied Radiation and Isotopes
Kötet: 57 (4) 573-577 (2002)

Keywords: (n, gamma); E-n = cold; PGAA; coincidence; spectral interference
Abstract: A second cold-neutron beam experimental station has been built as part of the renewal of the PGAA facility of the Budapest Research Reactor. This new station has been instrumented for neutron-induced prompt gamma-ray spectroscopy, involving gamma- gamma coincidence measurements. The experimental setup is discussed, and its performance and our data analysis method in a case of a radioactive source coincidence experiment are presented.

Szerző: Demény, O.; Méray, L.; Somlai, J.; Bodnár, R.; Révay, Zs.
Cím: A new gamma spectral analysis algorithm for the determination of the origin of Cs-137 contamination
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 254 (2) 311-314 (2002)

Keywords: decision thresholds; nuclear-spectra; spectrometry
Abstract: The aim of the investigation was to determine whether the Cs- 137 contamination found in plants around the Paks Nuclear Power Plant in Paks, Hungary was a result of local emission or of the earlier Chernobyl accident. We distinguished between the two possibilities on the basis of the Cs-134/Cs-137 ratio. The Cs- 134 activities to be measured were extremely low, in some cases undetectable with conventional evaluation softwares. Therefore a special algorithm was used to determine the Cs-134/Cs-131 ratio. On the basis of the results it is evident, that the contamination originated from Chernobyl.

Szerző: Baglin, C. M.; Browne, E.; Norman, E. B.; Molnar, G. L.; Belgya, T.; Révay, Zs.; Szelecsényi, F.
Cím: Ga-66: a standard for high-energy calibration of Ge detectors
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A- Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kötet: 481 (1-3) 365-377 (2002)

Keywords: efficiency calibration; Ge detector; Ga-66 gamma-ray; relative intensities; Co-56
Abstract: Two independent measurements of the relative emission probabilities for the strongest transitions in Ga-66 electron capture decay are reported here. The results of these measurements are in excellent agreement with each other and with those from another recent measurement. Consequently, Ga-66 emission probabilities for 18 strong lines, from 834 to 4806 keV, are now known to better than 1% accuracy. Thus, Ga-66 can now be considered a suitable radionuclide for Ge detector efficiency calibration up to an energy of 4806 keV, the highest energy attainable with radioactive calibration sources. We have also provided an empirical function for correcting earlier incorrect emission probability results for E-gamma greater than about 3 MeV which were produced using an inappropriate efficiency curve extrapolation.


Szerző: Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.; Ember, P. P.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Recent developments in HYPERMET PC
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 248 (2) 401-405 (2001)

Keywords: gamma-ray spectra; automatic-analysis
Abstract: HYPERMET PC is a user-friendly gamma -ray spectrum analysis software package developed at Budapest, mainly for the purpose of prompt-gamma neutron activation analysis (PGAA). The peak fitting algorithm is an improved version of the well-known HYPERMET code, and contains a partial peak-parameter calibration to describe peak shapes more accurately in the wide energy range typical for prompt-gamma spectra. A nuclide identification routine has also been developed using a new PGAA library, shown in a parallel paper. The new module for quantitative PGAA includes all the features necessary to obtain concentration values for elements.

Szerző: Révay, Zs.; Molnár, G. L.; Belgya, T.; Kasztovszky, Zs.; Firestone, R. B.
Cím: A new gamma-ray spectrum catalog and library for PGAA
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 248 (2) 395-399 (2001)

Keywords: N/A
Abstract: New measurements have been performed at the PGAA facility at the Budapest Research Reactor (BRR) in order to create a prompt gamma -ray catalog for qualitative and quantitative analysis. The measured spectra were accurately analyzed by HYPERMET-PC. Prompt gamma -ray energies and associated gamma-ray production cross-sections have been determined by internal standardization. The resulting catalog contains prompt gamma-ray data from neutron capture and other reactions such as (n,alpha), and decay gamma-ray data from short-lived reaction products. Data have been measured for nearly all stable elements, from hydrogen to uranium. Generally, data for several isotopes are given, to enable isotopic analysis as well. The whole library, including elemental spectra, will be available as a book.

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Révay, Z.; Belgya, T.; Firestone, R. B.
Cím: New generation of neutron capture gamma-ray data
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 221 92-NUCL (2001)

Keywords: N/A
Abstract: N/A

Szerző: Ember, P. P.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Inactive tracing with prompt gamma activation analysis
Folyóirat: Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat (in Hungarian)
Kötet: 107 (10) 438-443 (2001)

Keywords: cold; reactor
Abstract: In our paper we present a method for the investigation of glass melting-furnaces with inactive tracing. The tracer for borosilicate glasses was gadolinium, while in the cases of glasses containing no boron, gadolinium or boron were used. The traced glass samples were measured with PGAA. The high boron background makes the evaluation of the PGAA spectra of borosilicate glasses difficult. We proved that the coincidence method is suitable for eliminating the high boron background. Currently we are working on the comparison of the Compton suppression and the coincidence methods.


Szerző: Révay, Zs.; Molnár, G. L.; Belgya, T.; Kasztovszky, Zs.; Firestone, R. B.
Cím: A new gamma-ray spectrum catalog for PGAA
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 244 (2) 383-389 (2000)

Keywords: activation-analysis
Abstract: A major obstacle to the use of the prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) method has so far been the lack of a suitable library. Therefore, new measurements have been performed at the PGAA facility at Budapest Research Reactor (BRR) in order to create a prompt gamma-ray catalog for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Prompt gamma-ray energies and associated k(0)-factors have been determined by internal standardization. The resulting catalog contains prompt gamma-ray data from neutron capture and other reactions such as (n,alpha), and decay gamma-ray data from short-lived reaction products. Data have been measured for nearly all stable elements, from hydrogen to uranium. Generally, data for several isotopes are given, to enable isotopic analysis as well.

Szerző: Perry, D. L.; Gatti, R.; Firestone, R. B.; Molnar, G. L.; Révay, Zs.; Kasztovszky, Zs.
Cím: Application of prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) to inorganic photochromic host materials
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 219 590-INOR (2000)

Keywords: N/A
Abstract: N/A

Szerző: Perry, D. L.; Gatti, R.; Firestone, R. B.; Wilde, P.; Molnar, G. L.; Révay, Zs.; Kasztovszky, Zs.
Cím: Application of prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) to oceanic floor geothermal vent-produced metal sulfides
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 219 83-GEOC (2000)

Keywords: N/A
Abstract: N/A

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Nuclear data for activation analysis
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 244 (1) 27-33 (2000)

Keywords: compilation
Abstract: Nuclear data for neutron activation analysis are reviewed critically. Available sources of neutron cross sections and related quantities, radioactive decay half-lives, gamma-ray energies and absolute intensities, as well as prompt gamma-ray data are assessed from the viewpoint of quantitative analysis. New developments in the production and dissemination of such data are also described, and practical recommendations are formulated. Special emphasis is given to the traceability of sources, the accuracy and age of data, and to electronic access via Internet.

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.; Firestone, R. B.
Cím: The new prompt gamma-ray catalogue for PGAA
Folyóirat: Applied Radiation and Isotopes
Kötet: 53 (4-5) 527-533 (2000)

Keywords: prompt gamma ray; PGAA; neutron capture; gamma-ray energy; production cross-section; activation-analysis; Budapest
Abstract: A new catalogue of subthermal neutron-induced prompt gamma rays has been created for 79 elements, from hydrogen to uranium (including fission), on the basis of recent measurements at the Budapest guided-neutron PGAA facility. New energy values have been measured using Cl-35 neutron-capture gamma rays, while the gamma-ray production cross-sections have been determined with respect to the H-1 thermal capture cross-section. The elemental data have been compared with thermal neutron-capture data for individual nuclides from the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, ENSDF, hence isotope identifications could be made. The catalogue contains elemental spectra and a table with nearly 7000 gamma rays with relative intensity over 1% of the strongest line. The average accuracy is about 0.08 keV for energies and about 5% for cross-sections in the whole energy range, from about 40 keV to 11 MeV.

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Sajó-Bohus, L.; Fazekas, B.
Cím: Parametric changes of radon (Rn-222) concentration in ground water in Northeastern Hungary
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Environmental Radioactivity
Kötet: 49 (2) 171-180 (2000)

Keywords: radon; ground water; wells; variability
Abstract: Variation of radon concentration in ground water in the area of Northeastern Hungary was investigated. Specific geological features of this region result in high radon concentration in well waters (between 100 and 350 Bq l(-1)) and in the air of dwellings (occasionally as high as 10 000 Bq m(-3)). The observed radon concentrations of well waters show unpredictable variability both in space and time. In adjacent wells, concentration values may change by a factor of 10. In the case of some wells, a variation by a factor of 3-6 (between 20 and 180 Bq l(-1)) was measured during a year. Measurements were made in order to find correlations between radon concentration in soil air, radon concentration in water and meteorological parameters, i.e. external air pressure, temperature, wind speed and air humidity. A good correlation (with correlation coefficient of k = - 0.84) between radon concentration in soil air and air pressure was found.

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Nondestructive analysis of metals by PGAA at the Budapest Research Reactor
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 244 (2) 379-382 (2000)

Keywords: ray activation-analysis; prompt; cold
Abstract: Since 1996 several applications of prompt gamma activation analysis have been performed at the new Budapest PGAA facility. This paper deals with the investigation of metal objects. We report the results of nondestructive detection of H in amorphous metals, multielement analysis of Roman bronze brooches and measurement of silver concentration in Hungarian coins.

Szerző: Kadi, M.; Garrett, P. E.; Yeh, M. F.; Yates, S. W.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Decay properties of states populated with the Pb-207(n,n ' gamma) reaction and weak coupling in Pb-207
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 6103 (3) art. no.-034307 (2000)

Keywords: octupole
Abstract: The properties of states in Pb-207 populated with the (n,n' gamma) reaction have been studied. gamma-ray excitation functions, angular distributions, and coincidences have been measured, and the lifetimes of many excited states were determined with the Doppler-shift attenuation method. A sextuplet of states near 3.2 MeV is interpreted as resulting from weak-coupling of the nu f(5/2)(-1) first excited state of Pb-207 With the octupole phonon of the Pb-208 core. A number of E1 transitions have been identified, and their reduced transition probabilities have been examined. The properties of low-lying levels in Pb-207 have been studied in the framework of the particle-core coupling model.

Szerző: Ember, P. P.; Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Improvement of detection limit and element selectivity by coincidence
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 220 131-NUCL (2000)

Keywords: N/A
Abstract: N/A

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Yeh, M.; Kadi, M.; Garrett, P. E.; McGrath, C. A.; Yates, S. W.
Cím: Particle-hole excitations in Pb-208 from the (n,n 'gamma) reaction
Folyóirat: Acta Physica Hungarica New Series-Heavy Ion Physics
Kötet: 12 (2-4) 291-294 (2000)

Keywords: neutron inelastic scattering; Doppler-shift attenuation method; states
Abstract: The level structure of Pb-208 has been investigated with the (n,n'gamma) reaction with accelerator-produced neutrons. From gamma -ray excitation function measurements and gamma-gamma coincidences, the decay scheme was established. Level properties were elucidated with lifetimes determined by the Doppler-shift attenuation method and multipole mixing ratios determinations from gamma -ray angular distributions. Several new levels below 6 MeV have been established, and many questionable placements have been confirmed or eliminated.


Szerző: Yates, S. W.; Yeh, M.; Kadi, M.; McGrath, C. A.; Garrett, P. E.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Two-phonon octupole excitations in Pb-208 and the role of E1 transitions in their decays
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Physics G-Nuclear and Particle Physics
Kötet: 25 (4) 691-693 (1999)

Keywords: states
Abstract: In recent work, candidates for two-phonon octupole excitations in Pb-208 have been identified based on the observation of a cascade of E3 decays and on the rates of de-exciting E1 transitions. To gain greater understanding of E1 transition rates in this region, Pb-207, a nucleus with a neutron hole coupled to the octupole vibrational core of Pb-208, has been examined. The status of the search for the two-phonon octupole quartet in Pb-208 is presented, and outstanding questions are highlighted.

Szerző: Kasztovszky, Zs.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.; Fazekas, B.; Östör, J.; Molnár, G. L.; Molnár, G.; Borossay, J.
Cím: Investigation of impurities in thermoluminescent Al2O3 materials by prompt-gamma activation analysis
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
Kötet: 14 (4) 593-596 (1999)

Keywords: aluminum-oxide; spectrometry; plasma; cold
Abstract: alpha-Al2O3 is one of the most important materials for thermoluminescence dosimetry. The thermoluminescent features are strongly affected by impurities, which were investigated with the non-destructive method of prompt-gamma activation analysis (PGAA). Impurities in four samples of thermoluminescent alumina materials were investigated. The precision and reproducibility of the PGAA method were also tested on standard samples spiked with B, Na, S, Cl, Fe, Cu and Ag.

Szerző: Fazekas, B.; Révay, Zs.; Östör, J.; Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L. ; Simonits, A.
Cím: A new method for determination of gamma-ray spectrometer non- linearity
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A- Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kötet: 422 (1-3) 469-473 (1999)

Keywords: system non-linearity; gamma-ray spectrometers
Abstract: A new method was introduced to determine the interpolation curve for system non linearity of gamma-ray spectrometers from independent multi-gamma source measurements. The mathematical description of the method and its implementation in the Hypermet-PC program are presented. The performance is illustrated in two different energy ranges, used in NAA and PGAA respectively. As a test case, the energies of Ir-192 lines have been determined and compared with the literature values.

Szerző: Blaauw, M.; Keyser, R. M.; Fazekas, B.
Cím: Comparison of alternative methods for multiplet deconvolution in the analysis of gamma-ray spectra
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A- Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kötet: 432 (1) 77-89 (1999)

Keywords: analysis software
Abstract: Three methods for multiplet deconvolution were tested using the 1995 IAEA reference spectra: Total area determination, iterative fitting and the library-oriented approach. It is concluded that, if statistical control (i.e. the ability to report results that agree with the known, true values to within the reported uncertainties) is required, the total area determination method performs the best. If high deconvolution power is required and a good, internally consistent library is available, the library oriented method yields the best results. Neither Erdtmann & Soyka's gamma-ray catalogue nor Browne and Firestone's Table of Radioactive Isotopes were found to be internally consistent enough in this respect. In the absence of a good library, iterative fitting with restricted peak width variation performs the best. The ultimate approach as yet to be implemented might be library-oriented fitting with allowed peak position variation according to the peak energy uncertainty specified in the library.


Szerző: Yeh, M. F.; Kadi, M.; Garrett, P. E.; McGrath, C. A.; Yates, S. W.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Candidates for two-phonon octupole excitations in Pb-208
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 57 (5) R2085-R2089 (1998)

Keywords: 2-phonon character; vibrational-state; gamma-ray; search; Sm-144; Nd-142
Abstract: Following the identification of the lowest-spin member of the two-phonon octupole quartet in Pb-208, the additional members of the multiplet have been sought with the (n,n' gamma) reaction. Based on energy arguments and E1 transition probabilities determined from Doppler-shift lifetime measurements, the 5286- and 5216-keV states are suggested as candidates for the 2(+) and 4(+) two-phonon octupole excitations in Pb-208. The difficulties of identifying the 6(+) member of this quartet are examined.

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Révay, Zs.; Paul, R. L.; Lindstrom, R. M.
Cím: Prompt-gamma activation analysis using the k(0) approach
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 234 (1-2) 21-26 (1998)

Keywords: neutron-capture; scattering; facility; hydrogen; cold
Abstract: Applying the k(0) standardization method to prompt-gamma activation analysis (PGAA) offers similar benefits as in instrumental neutron activation analysis. It has been demonstrated that under constant flux conditions k(0)-factors obtained by normalizing to a titanium comparator, measured separately, yield consistent analytical sensitivity ratios. The ratio method has been generalized by using stoichiometric compounds for the determination of k(0)-factors. Since chlorine forms compounds with essentially every element and it also serves as a detector efficiency standard, k(0) values have been determined relative to chlorine as an internal standard for several analytically important elements in two reactor facilities: the thermal guided beam at the ERR in Budapest and the cold-neutron beams at the NBSR at NIST.

Szerző: Kis, Z.; Fazekas, B.; Östör, J.; Révay, Zs.; Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.; Koltay, L.
Cím: Comparison of efficiency functions for Ge gamma-ray detectors in a wide energy range
Folyóirat: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A- Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kötet: 418 (2-3) 374-386 (1998)

Keywords: Ge detectors; efficiency calibration; linear functions; correlated data; Hypermet-PC; calibration
Abstract: The applicability of linear parameter functions for fitting the full-energy peak efficiency of Ge gamma-ray detectors has been examined in a wide energy range of 50-8500 keV, typical for prompt gamma activation analysis,by using efficiency data measured with the Budapest capture gamma-ray spectrometer. In a least-squares fitting procedure involving correlation and singular value decomposition the performance of six different analytical functions has been compared. It turns out that a high-order polynomial function on a log-log scale gives the best performance if a proper fitting procedure is used, as in the program Hypermet-PC.

Szerző: Fazekas, B.; Östör, J.; Kiss, Z.; Simonits, A.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Quality assurance features of "HYPERMET-PC"
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 233 (1-2) 101-103 (1998)

Abstract: The gamma-ray spectrum analysis code HYPERMET-PC has been significantly upgraded since its introduction in the first k(0)-Users Workshop (1992). Some aspects of the implemented procedures in the new version 5.0, such as the novel approach to handle tandem LFC spectra and the benefit of using ortho- normal polynomials for fitting efficiency curves will be outlined. Having realized the importance of quality assurance in applied gamma-ray spectrometry, additional utilities have been incorporated for checking system parameters: nonlinearity, energy resolution, etc. The new Nuclide Identification routine makes the program suitable for qualitative analysis both of NAA and PGAA type.

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Fazekas, B.; Kasztovszky, Zs.; Révay, Zs.; Molnár, G.; Yeh, M.; Garrett, P. E.; Yates, S. W.
Cím: Levels of Pb-208 from the Pb-207(n,gamma) reaction with a guided neutron beam
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 57 (5) 2740-2743 (1998)

Keywords: octupole vibrational-state; gamma-ray; search; excitation; energies
Abstract: An expanded level scheme of states in Pb-208 populated with the Pb-207(n,gamma) reaction on an enriched Pb-207 target at the new Budapest cold neutron facility has been deduced. An upper limit on the intensity of the 2626-keV transition from the recently suggested 0(+) two-phonon octupole state was obtained.


Szerző: Rosta, L.; Belgya, T.; Cser, L.; Grosz, T.; Kaszás, G.; Molnár, G.; Révay, Z.; Török, Gy.
Cím: Neutron guide system at the Budapest Research Reactor
Folyóirat: Physica B
Kötet: 234 1196-1198 (1997)

Keywords: guides; neutron instruments; supermirrors
Abstract: The 10 MW research reactor was restarted after a full-scale refurbishment in 1993. An important task of the upgrading was the construction of a new experimental hall and three neutron guides have been installed for the instruments located in this area, The in-pile plug contains 25 x 100 mm(2) section float glass optical elements coated with Ni-58. The guides of the same cross section have the following destination: NV1 has an interruption for the monochromator of a three-axis spectrometer and the prompt gamma activation analysis station is installed in end position. The second guide serves only for the small- angle scattering device and the third one for a reflectometer being constructed.

Szerző: Révay, Zs.
Cím: Analysis of the probability distribution method for spectrum decomposition
Folyóirat: Mikrochimica Acta
Kötet: 126 (1-2) 77-81 (1997)

Keywords: spectrum deconvolution; counting statistics; least-squares curve-fitting; probability distribution
Abstract: The probability distribution method provides a new way for spectrum deconvolution, that is especially applicable in the case of poor counting statistics. Here it has been compared with the conventional least-squares curve-fitting method. A large number of spectrum regions of a few channels were generated to simulate a spectrum containing a low intensity peak on low background, and were evaluated by both methods, to establish which method provides an unbiased estimate of the peak area in the cases examined, and on what conditions.

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Pető, G.; Horváth, Z. E.; Zsoldos, E.; Khanh, N. Q.
Cím: Size dependent phenomena during the formation of Gd and Fe silicide thin films
Folyóirat: Microelectronic Engineering
Kötet: 37-8 (1-4) 565-572 (1997)

Keywords: thin films, silicides, solid phase reaction, size effects; disilicide; interface; epitaxy; phase
Abstract: The phase formation was investigated and compared during the solid phase reaction of Gd thin film with (111) and (100) oriented Si substrate and Fe thin films with Si(111) substrate as a function of thickness and annealing by X-ray diffraction, Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. For thin Gd films the phase formation was affected by the substrate orientation. The first phase was amorphous on Si(100). At higher temperatures on Si(100) epitaxial orthorhombic GdSi2 was formed and on Si(111) epitaxial hexagonal GdSi1.7 was found. For thicker gadolinium films on Si(111) a conventional diffusion-reaction process appeared. On Si(100) substrate orthorhombic GdSi2 phase was formed only. Another type of phase evolution could be experienced in case of Fe-Si solid phase reaction at constant annealing as a function of the initial iron film thickness. FeSi phase was detected in the thinner samples. Samples with Fe layer thicker than 12.5 nm contained a beta-FeSi2 phase formed by nucleation controlled mechanism. This special phase sequence was explained with the help of a model, based on the critical radius of nuclei of the new phase. The phase formation depended on the time and temperature of the annealing and even on the initial metal film thickness and substrate orientation.

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Belgya, T.; Dabolczi, L.; Fazekas, B.; Révay, Zs.; Veres, A.; Bikit, I.; Kiss, Z.; Östör, J.
Cím: The new prompt gamma-activation analysis facility at Budapest
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 215 (1) 111-115 (1997)

Keywords: cold
Abstract: Prompt gamma-activation analysis (PGAA) is an important complementary technique to conventional instrumental activation analysis that can be successfully used in a number of cases when INAA is not applicable. Therefore, a PGAA facility has been constructed at the recently refurbished and upgraded Budapest Research Reactor. It occupies the end position of a new curved thermal guide of 30 m length and 2.5 x 10 cm(2) cross section which provides a clean beam of low energy neutrons. The sophisticated HPGe-BGO gamma-ray spectrometer system can be operated in Compton-suppression and pair- spectrometer modes simultaneously. The octal splining of the main EGO improves efficient pair mode operation when coincidences between pairs of opposite segments and the HPGe detector are required separately. Gamma-gamma coincidence measurements will also be possible when the new multiparameter data acquisition system is completed. One of the main tasks at the new facility will be the accumulation of new spectroscopic data for detector calibration and standardisation, as well as for the construction of a more accurate prompt gamma-ray library for the chemical elements. Various applications are planned, such as the determination of hydrogen in fullerenes and of toxic trace elements in environmental samples.

Szerző: Fazekas, B.; Molnár, G.; Belgya, T.; Dabolczi, L.; Simonits, A.
Cím: Introducing HYPERMET-PC for automatic analysis of complex gamma-ray spectra
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Kötet: 215 (2) 271-277 (1997)

Abstract: In short time activation analysis, prompt gamma-activation analysis and in high rate gamma-ray spectroscopy in general, the shape parameters for peaks and background usually vary, rendering spectrum evaluation codes based on a fixed shape calibration unsuitable. An interactive version of the well- known, fully automatic gamma-ray spectrum analysis code HYPERMET has been developed in C+ + for the IBM-PC. It runs under MS-DOS, in conventional memory, and can handle up to 16k- channel spectra, recorded with CANBERRA's System 100 and AccuSpec and with ORTEC's ACE plug-in MCA cards. A Windows-like graphics environment is provided with mouse controlled pull-down menus, pop-up windows and rubber band expansion. All basic features of HYPERMET such as fully automatic peak search, nonlinear fitting of multiplets with automatically adjusted Gaussian peak widths, exponential tails and a complex background function have been retained. All details of the fitting procedure are recorded in a data base, hence any fitted region can be retrieved and modified interactively, even after a fully automatic spectrum evaluation. The program also provides an output peak list in SAMPO90 format for further processing. The latter format is widely used in a number of sample analysis programs such as KAYZERO, a software package for k0 standardization in neutron activation analysis.


Szerző: Yeh, M. F.; Garrett, P. E.; McGrath, C. A.; Yates, S. W.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Two-phonon octupole excitation in Pb-208
Folyóirat: Physical Review Letters
Kötet: 76 (8) 1208-1211 (1996)

Keywords: 2-octupole-phonon states; o+ states; 2-phonon; search; Gd-148; eo
Abstract: Experimental evidence for identification of the 5241-keV 0(+) state in Pb-208 as the lowest-spin member of the 3(-) x 3(-) quartet is reported. This state, observed previously in neutron transfer reactions and inelastic proton scattering, has been populated with the inelastic neutron scattering reaction. Its decay to the 3(-) octupole phonon in Pb-208 is confirmed by gamma-gamma coincidence measurements, and the spin-0 assignment is substantiated by the population cross section. The cascade of two E3 transitions thus established is an expected signature of a two-phonon octupole excitation.

Szerző: Yeh, M. F.; Garrett, P. E.; McGrath, C. A.; Yates, S. W.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Search for a 2485-keV gamma ray in Pb-208 with the inelastic neutron scattering reaction
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 54 (2) 942-944 (1996)

Keywords: octupole vibrational-state
Abstract: The inelastic neutron scattering reaction has been employed to search for a 2485-keV gamma ray which has been reported as a deexciting transition from one of the higher-spin members of the two-phonon octupole quartet in Pb-208. Although other states of similar spin and excitation energy are observed, no evidence for a 2485-keV gamma ray is obtained in either gamma- ray singles or gamma-gamma coincidence measurements.

Szerző: Yates, S. W.; Yeh, M. F.; Garrett, P. E.; McGrath, C. A.; Belgya, T.
Cím: Identification of the two-phonon octupole excitation in Pb-208
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 211 83-NUCL (1996)

Keywords: N/A
Abstract: N/A

Reference Type: Folyóirat Article
Record Number: 72
Szerző: Méray, L.; Révay, Zs.
Cím: Evaluation of nuclear spectra of low intensities
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Trace and Microprobe Techniques
Kötet: 14 (1) 173-181 (1996)

Keywords: spectrum deconvolution; curve fitting
Abstract: Conventional methods of spectrum deconvolution usually fail when spectra of extremely low counts have to be evaluated. To keep all information and to obtain the best possible result, low count spectra should be approached with a special philosophy: the counts in the channels of the spectrum can be ordered to single components (like background or peak) in all possible ways. The probability of each configuration can be determined using the accurate probability distributions. The probabilities of all possible configurations are taken into account and are summed for equal peak areas. This probability distribution function gives the most exact information on the peak area and the confidence of estimation. The method is compared with the usual curve fitting algorithm, based on the weighted least squares method used in most spectrum evaluation programs, for a large number of generated spectra with known peak and background shapes.

Szerző: Fazekas, B.; Belgya, T.; Dabolczi, L.; Molnár, G. L.; Simonits, A.
Cím: HYPERMET-PC: Program for automatic analysis of complex gamma- ray spectra
Folyóirat: Folyóirat of Trace and Microprobe Techniques
Kötet: 14 (1) 167-172 (1996)

Keywords: gamma-ray spectrum processing; multiplets; nonlinear fitting; HYPERMET; SAMPO; IBM-PC; interactive spectrum evaluation; graphics environment; k(0) method
Abstract: An interactive version of the venerable gamma-ray spectrum analysis code HYPERMET has been developed in C++ for the IBM- PC. It runs under MS-DOS, in conventional memory, and can handle up to 16k-channel spectra, recorded with CANBERRA's System 100 and AccuSpec and with ORTEC's ACE plug-in MCA cards. A Windows-like graphics environment is provided with mouse controlled pull-down menus, pop-up windows and rubber band expansion. All basic features of HYPERMET such as fully automatic peak search, nonlinear fitting of multiplets with automatically adjusted Gaussian peak widths and exponential tails have been retained. All details of the fitting procedure are recorded in a data base, hence any fitted region can be retrieved and modified interactively, even after a fully automatic spectrum evaluation. The program also provides an output peak list in SAMPO90 format for further processing, e.g. for use with KAYZERO, a software package for k(0)-based neutron activation analysis.

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.; Yates, S. W.
Cím: Analysis of Doppler-shift attenuation measurements performed with accelerator-produced monoenergetic neutrons
Folyóirat: Nuclear Physics A
Kötet: 607 (1) 43-61 (1996)

Keywords: Doppler shift; DSAM; F(tau); tau; analysis method; lifetime measurements; states
Abstract: Methods employed for the analysis of Doppler-shift attenuation data, obtained for nuclei excited by the inelastic scattering of accelerator-produced monoenergetic neutrons on large samples are presented. Analytical formulas were derived to describe the influence of two major considerations in the analysis. The reaction mechanism for stopping of recoil nuclei was found to increase the attenuation factor F(tau) calculated with the center-of-mass initial velocity, while geometrical effects tend to decrease F(tau), It is also shown that the influence of these major factors can be minimized by keeping the neutron energy close to the level threshold and by minimizing the target size. The formulas obtained can be used for any reaction that proceeds via the compound nucleus mechanism and for targets of sufficient size to stop the recoiling nuclei.


Szerző: Johnson, E. L.; Baum, E. M.; DiPrete, D. P.; Gatenby, R. A.; Belgya, T.; Wang, D.; Vanhoy, J. R.; McEllistrem, M. T.; Yates, S. W.
Cím: Lifetime Measurements of Scissors Mode Excitations in Dy-162,Dy-164
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 52 (5) 2382-2386 (1995)

Keywords: rare-earth nuclei; inelastic electron-scattering; magnetic dipole excitations; heavy deformed-nuclei; collective modes; Dy-164; Gd-156; states; photoexcitation
Abstract: The inelastic neutron scattering reaction has been used to populate known 1(+) scissors mode states in the deformed rare-earth nuclei Dy-162 and Dy-164. The electromagnetic decay properties of these states have been examined and the Doppler-shift attenuation method has been used to measure directly the lifetimes of these states. The M1 strengths determined are in general agreement with those measured previously in nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments and support the conclusion that these are collective structures; however, a significant discrepancy is found for three states near 3.1 MeV in Dy-164. Candidates for 2(+) rotational band members have been identified, and a previously suggested gamma-ray branch from a spin-1 state to the gamma vibration in Dy-164 has been observed.

Szerző: DiPrete, D. P.; Johnson, E. L.; Baum, E. M.; McGrath, C. A.; Wang, D.; Villani, M. F.; Yates, S. W.; Belgya, T.; Fazekas, B.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Fast electric dipole transitions in nuclei near N=82
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 52 (6) R2831-R2833 (1995)

Keywords: decay properties; lifetimes; Sm-144; states
Abstract: Doppler-shift attenuation measurements following the inelastic neutron scattering reaction have been employed to determine the lifetimes of a large number of states in Nd-146 and many fast E1 transitions have been identified. From an examination of this new information and similar data for two N=82 nuclei, ambiguities in determining the degree of nuclear collectivity from reduced E1 transition rates are illustrated.

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Gatenby, R. A.; Baum, E. M.; Johnson, E. L.; DiPrete, D. P.; Yates, S. W.; Fazekas, B.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: 2-Phonon Character of the Lowest J-Pi=1(-) State of Nd-142
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 52 (5) R2314-R2316 (1995)

Keywords: transition; scattering; octupole; Sm-144
Abstract: The decay properties of the 3424-keV 1(-) state in Nd-142, which has long been interpreted as a member of the quadrupole-octupole two-phonon quintet, and of the lowest 3(-) state, the octupole phonon, have been examined with the (n,n'gamma) reaction. gamma-ray branching ratios of these states have been determined, and level lifetimes have been measured by the Doppler-shift attenuation method. These data provide strong support for interpreting the 1(-) state as having a significant two-phonon 2(+)x3(-) component.


Szerző: Németh, Z.; Kappeler, F.; Theis, C.; Belgya, T.; Yates, S. W.
Cím: Nucleosynthesis in the Cd-in-Sn Region
Folyóirat: Astrophysical Folyóirat
Kötet: 426 (1) 357-365 (1994)

Keywords: nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances
capture cross-sections; p-process; beta-decay; abundances; isotopes; solar; search; lu-180; tin
Abstract: The abundance contributions from the possible nucleosynthesis mechanisms to the rare isotopes In-113, Sn-114, and Sn-115 are investigated. The level scheme of Cd-113 was studied via the (n, n'gamma) reaction up to 2.5 MeV excitation energy, searching for gateway levels that can provide for thermal equilibration of ground state and isomer under stellar conditions. The experiment confirmed the lowest gateway level at 522 keV, which provides for thermal equilibrium at temperatures above 10(8) K, resulting in the destruction of the isomer in all plausible s-process scenarios. Accordingly, the importance of the branching at Cd-113 is strongly reduced, allowing only for small s-process yields of In-113, Sn-114, and Sn-115 of <0.3%, <0.5%, and <8%, regardless of the model used. The r-contributions to these isotopes were found to range between 0% and 40%, depending on the post-r-process conditions, and are also not sufficient to account for the observed abundances. For Sn-114 the remaining abundance contribution can be accounted for by recent p-process calculations, but a different production mechanism seems to be required for In-113 and Sn-115.


Book Section
Szerző: Molnár, G. L. ; Fazekas, B.; Veres, A.; Belgya, T.; Gatenby, R. A.; Baum, E. M.; Johnson, E. L.; Yates, S. W.; Vanhoy, J. R. S.; Otsuka, T.; Dinh, T. T.; Grinberg, M.; Stoyanov, C.
Cím: Collective Excitations Evinced by Fast Dipole Transitions
Book Cím: Nuclei Far from Stability/Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants
Oldalszám: 679-681
Series Cím: Institute of Physics Conference Series
Abstract: Fast dipole transitions can be signatures of special collective excitation modes such as double octupoles (E1) or mixed-symmetry states (M1). Results of the searches for octupole related two-phonon states in Sm-144 with N=82 and for mixed-symmetry 2(+) states in the 0(6) nucleus Ba-134 are presented.

Szerző: Jungclaus, A.; Belgya, T.; Diprete, D. P.; Villani, M.; Johnson, E. L.; Baum, E. M.; McGrath, C. A.; Yates, S. W.; Zamfir, N. V.
Cím: Lifetimes and Electromagnetic Decay Properties of Negative-Parity States in Sm-150, Sm-152, Sm-154 from (N,N'gamma) Measurements
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 48 (3) 1005-1009 (1993)

Keywords: interacting boson model; level densities; transition
Abstract: The Doppler shifts of gamma rays following the decay of the 1(1)- and 3(1)- states in Sm-150, Sm-152, Sm-154 excited by inelastic scattering of 1.3 MeV neutrons from natural Sm2O3 have been measured. With the Winterbon theory to describe the slowing down process of the recoiling atoms in the bulk of the target material, nuclear lifetimes could be extracted from these data. These measured lifetimes are compared to the results of a recent investigation with the gamma-ray induced Doppler (GRID) broadening technique and have been used to clarify problems associated with the incomplete knowledge of the feeding pattern in heavy nuclei inherent in the GRID method. The large E1 transition rates in Sm-152 obtained in the previous study are confirmed; the B(E1) systematics has been extended to Sm-154 and is interpreted within the framework of the interacting boson model.

Szerző: Gatenby, R. A.; Johnson, E. L.; Baum, E. M.; Yates, S. W.; Wang, D.; Vanhoy, J. R.; McEllistrem, M. T.; Belgya, T.; Fazekas, B.; Molnar, G.
Cím: Decay Properties and Lifetimes of States in Sm-144 from (N, N'gamma) Reaction Studies
Folyóirat: Nuclear Physics A
Kötet: 560 (2) 633-663 (1993)

Keywords: 144Sm (n,n'gamma), E(n) = 1.8-4.3 mev, measured e-gamma, i-gamma, i(gamma)(theta), e-gamma(theta), sigma(e-gamma), doppler shift, 144Sm-deduced levels, j, pi, branching ratios, delta, t(1/2), b(lambda), enriched target, hyperpure ge detector, Compton suppression, 2-phonon states, shell model; magnetic dipole strength; interacting boson model; rare-earth nuclei; inelastic-scattering; proton-scattering; samarium isotopes; transition; octupole; deformation; neutron
Abstract: An extensive investigation of Sm-144 has been carried out with the (n, n'gamma) reaction. Gamma-ray excitation function and angular-distribution measurements were performed at neutron energies up to 4.3 MeV. Many new levels have been established and characterized, and the assignments of several previously known states have been clarified. Level lifetimes were measured following the inelastic neutron-scattering reaction by observing the Doppler shifts of de-exciting gamma-rays, and reduced transition rates have been inferred. Recent shell-model calculations were found to describe the Sm-144 level scheme very well up to 3.2 MeV. A large number of relatively fast E1 transitions were observed.

Szerző: DiPrete, D. P.; Belgya, T.; Baum, E. M.; Johnson, E. L.; Yates, S. W.; Cottle, P. D.; Kennedy, M. A.; Stuckey, K. A.
Cím: Search for High-Lying Octupole States and Octupole Fragmentation in Pt-196 with the (N, N'gamma) Reaction
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 48 (6) 2603-2606 (1993)

Keywords: inelastic proton-scattering; neutron; Zr-96
Abstract: The firm determination of spins and parities of possible octupole states at excitation energies between 2 and 3 MeV is crucial for understanding the anomaly in the behavior of low-energy-octupole states which occurs in the Pt-Hg region. The Pt-196(n,n'gamma) reaction has been used in an effort to identify four possible octupole states observed previously in the (p,p') reaction and tp make spin-parity assigments.

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Seckel, D.; Johnson, E. L.; Baum, E. M.; Diprete, D. P.; Wang, D.; Yates, S. W.
Cím: Level Lifetimes in N = 82 Isotones from Doppler-Shift Attenuation Method Mixed-Target Measurements
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 47 (1) 392-394 (1993)

Keywords: scattering; transition
Abstract: Lifetimes of the first excited states of the N = 82 isotones Ba-138, Ce-140, and Nd-142 have been measured simultaneously with the Doppler-shift attenuation method following inelastic neutron scattering and are found to be in excellent agreement with adopted literature values. In addition, lifetimes of excited states in heavier isotopes of neodymium have been determined. Of special interest are the E 1 transitions for which transition strengths greater than 10(-3) W.u. are observed.

Book Section
Szerző: Belgya, T.; Gatenby, R. A.; Johnson, E. L.; Baum, E. M.; Wang, D.; DiPrete, D. P.; Yates, S. W.; Fazekas, B.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Transition Rates Determined from (N, N' Gamma) Measurements
Book Cím: Nuclei Far from Stability/Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants
Oldalszám: 683-685
Series Cím: Institute of Physics Conference Series
Keywords: nuclei; strength
Abstract: The Doppler-shift attenuation method following the inelastic neutron scattering reaction (DSAM-INS) has been shown to work well for measuring the lifetimes of nuclei in different mass regions and in differing chemical environments. With the DSAM-INS, many ground-state transitions are observed with large dipole strength near 4 MeV excitation energy in N = 82 nuclei. The summed strengths are comparable to those obtained for deformed rare earth nuclei. Data obtained on Dy-164 indicates longer lifetimes than previously measured for three 1(+) levels, thus decreasing the summed B(M1)up arrow strength and making it comparable to that observed in the neighboring nuclei.


Szerző: Yates, S. W.; Gatenby, R. A.; Belgya, T.; Johnson, E. L.; Baum, E. M.; DiPrete, D. P.; Wang, D.; Molnár, G. L.; Fazekas, B.
Cím: 2-Phonon Octupole Excitations and the Role of E1 Transitions from Octupole States
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 204 24-NUCL (1992)

Szerző: Johnson, E. L.; Gatenby, R. A.; Baum, E. M.; DiPrete, D. P.; Belgya, T.; Yates, S. W.; Wang, D.; Vanhoy, J. R.; Zhang, P.; McEllistrem, M. T.
Cím: Measurement of B(M1) Strength for 1+ Mixed Symmetry States in Dy-162,Dy-16 by Inelastic Neutron-Scattering
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 204 118-NUCL (1992)

Szerző: Fazekas, B.; Belgya, T.; Molnar, G.; Veres, A.; Gatenby, R. A.; Yates, S. W.; Otsuka, T.
Cím: Level Scheme and Mixed-Symmetry States of Ba-134 from in-Beam (N, N'gamma) Measurements
Folyóirat: Nuclear Physics A
Kötet: 548 (2) 249-270 (1992)

Keywords: ba-134(n,n'gamma), e = 2-3 mev, measured e(gamma, i(gamma, i(gamma)(theta), doppler shift, sigma(e-gamma,e), ba-134 deduced levels, j pi branching ratios, delta,+(1/2), b(lambda), m1 transitions, enriched target, hyperpure Ge detectors, proton-neutron interacting boson model calculations, o(6) nuclei, mixed-symmetry states
collective nuclear-states; interacting boson model; shell-model; vibrational-states; inelastic neutron; proton; excitations; transitions; scattering; decay
Abstract: The decay properties of the excited states of Ba-134 below 3 MeV have been studied with the (n, n' gamma) reaction. From gamma-ray excitation function and angular distribution measurements, several new levels, spin-parity values and multipole mixing ratios were obtained. Lifetimes were measured by the Doppler-shift attenuation method, and reduced transition probabilities were calculated for a number of levels using the proton-neutron interacting boson model. The 2029 and 2088 keV states appear to share the properties of the lowest mixed-symmetry 2+ state.

Szerző: DiPrete, D. P.; Belgya, T.; Baum, E. M.; Johnson, E. L.; Wang, D.; Yates, S. W.; Cottle, P. D.; Kennedy, M. A.; Stuckey, K. A.
Cím: Fragmentation of Low-Energy Octupole States in Pt-196
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 204 124-NUCL (1992)

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Johnson, E. L.; Baum, E. M.; DiPrete, D. P.; Wang, D.; Yates, S. W.
Cím: Doppler-Shift Lifetime Measurements and Their Application to Nuclear-Structure Problems
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 204 113-NUCL (1992)

Szerző: Baum, E. M.; Gatenby, R. A.; Johnson, E. L.; DiPrete, D. P.; Belgya, T.; Wang, D.; Perraut, B.; Baber, H.; Yates, S. W.
Cím: Study of the Nuclear-Structure of Sr-88 and Zr-90 by Inelastic Neutron-Scattering
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 203 150-NUCL (1992)

Szerző: Baum, E. M.; Gatenby, R. A.; Johnson, E. L.; Diprete, D. P.; Belgya, T.; Wang, D.; Perraut, B.; Baber, H.; Yates, S. W.; Fazekas, B.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Zr-90 Revisited - Level Structure, Lifetimes, and Transition Rates from (N,N)Gamma Reaction Measurements
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 204 125-NUCL (1992)


Szerző: Liang, M.; Ohm, H.; Desutter, B.; Sistemich, K.; Fazekas, B.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: The Deformation of the Neutron-Rich Isotopes Mo-102 and Mo-104
Folyóirat: Zeitschrift Fur Physik A-Hadrons and Nuclei
Kötet: 340 (2) 223-224 (1991)

Keywords: lifetime measurements; nuclei; saturation; state
Abstract: The half-lives of low-lying levels of the neutron-rich isotopes 102Mo and 104Mo have been measured at the fission product separator JOSEF with the beta-gamma-gamma triple coincidence technique. Values of t1/2 = 126(4)ps and 0.72(4)ns have been obtained for the 2(1)+ levels at 296 keV and 192 keV in 102Mo and 104Mo, respectively. Deformation parameters of beta-q = 0.28(1) and 0.31 (1), respectively, are deduced, which are smaller than those of the isotones of Sr and Zr. The interacting boson model accounts well for the trend of 2(+) energies in the Mo isotopes but slightly overpredicts the B(E2) values at saturation. A smooth dependence of tau(2(1)+) vs. E(2(1)+) is found for the A approximately 100 region in agreement with the hydrodynamical model.

Szerző: Johnson, E. L.; Wang, D.; Gatenby, R. A.; Baum, E. M.; DiPrete, D. P.; Vanhoy, J. R.; Belgya, T.; Zhang, P.; McEllistrem, M. T.; Yates, S. W.
Cím: Study of Low-Energy I = 1 States in Dy-162 and Dy-164 by Inelastic Neutron-Scattering
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 201 83-NUCL (1991)

Szerző: Belgya, T.
Cím: Doppler-Shift Lifetime Measurements with (N,N'gamma) Reactions
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 201 82-NUCL (1991)

1990 and earlier

Szerző: Gatenby, R. A.; Vanhoy, J. R.; Baum, E. M.; Johnson, E. L.; Yates, S. W.; Belgya, T.; Fazekas, B.; Veres, A.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Fast E-1 Transitions and Evidence for Octupole-Octupole and Quadrupole-Octupole Excitations in Sm-144
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 41 (2) R414-R418 (1990)

Reference Type: Folyóirat Article
Record Number: 125
Szerző: Yates, S. W.; Gatenby, R. A.; Baum, E. M.; Johnson, E. L.; Vanhoy, J. R.; Belgya, T.; Fazekas, B.; Molnár, G. L.
Cím: Evidence for Octupole-Octupole and Quadrupole-Octupole Excitations in Spherical Nuclei
Folyóirat: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Kötet: 198 29-NUCL (1989)

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Belgya, T.; Fazekas, B.; Veres, A.; Yates, S. W.; Kleppinger, E. W.; Gatenby, R. A.; Julin, R.; Kumpulainen, J.; Passoja, A.; Verho, E.
Cím: Particle-Hole and Vibrational-States in Doubly Closed Subshell Zr-96 from in-Beam Inelastic Neutron and Proton-Scattering
Folyóirat: Nuclear Physics A
Kötet: 500 (1) 43-76 (1989)

Szerző: Belgya, T.; Molnár, G. L.; Fazekas, B.; Veres, A.; Gatenby, R. A.; Yates, S. W.
Cím: Doppler-Shift Lifetime Measurements in Zr-96 with the Inelastic Neutron-Scattering Reaction
Folyóirat: Nuclear Physics A
Kötet: 500 (1) 77-89 (1989)

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Fazekas, B.; Belgya, T.; Veres, A.; Yates, S. W.; Kleppinger, E. W.; Meyer, R. A.
Cím: Possible Evidence for Alpha-Clustering in the Double Subshell Closure Nucleus Zr-96
Folyóirat: Acs Symposium Series
Kötet: 324 196-201 (1986)

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Fazekas, B.; Belgya, T.; Veres, A.
Cím: Level Structure of Quasi-Magic Zr-196
Folyóirat: Aip Conference Proceedings
(125) 534-538 (1985)

Szerző: Meyer, R. A.; Lin, J.; Molnar, G.; Fazekas, B.; Veres, A.; Sambataro, M.
Cím: Influence of Cross Subshell Excitations on the Collective States of Mo-98 Observed by Beta-Decay and (N,N'-Gamma) Reaction Spectroscopy
Folyóirat: Physical Review C
Kötet: 29 (5) 1839-1858 (1984)

Szerző: Molnár, G. L.; Diószegi, I.; Fazekas, B.; Veres, A.; Sambataro, M.
Cím: Structure of the Transitional Nuclei Mo-100 and Mo-98
Folyóirat: Institute of Physics Conference Series
(62) 179-180 (1982)